How to use the command a2enmod (with examples)

How to use the command a2enmod (with examples)

The a2enmod command is used to enable an Apache module on Debian-based operating systems. It allows users to easily enable specific modules in the Apache web server configuration.

Use case 1: Enable a module


sudo a2enmod module


Enabling a module is useful when you want to extend the functionality of your Apache web server. By enabling a specific module, you can add new features and capabilities to your server setup.


  • sudo: Prefixing the command with sudo allows the user to execute it with root privileges. Since enabling a module requires administrative access, using sudo is necessary.
  • a2enmod: This is the name of the command itself. It stands for “Apache 2 Enable Module”.
  • module: This argument specifies the name of the module you want to enable. Replace module with the actual name of the module you wish to activate.

Example output:

Enabling module rewrite.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
  systemctl restart apache2

In this example, we used the a2enmod command to enable the “rewrite” module. The command successfully enabled the module and provided instructions on how to activate the new configuration.

Use case 2: Don’t show informative messages


sudo a2enmod --quiet module


By default, the a2enmod command displays informative messages, such as the activation instructions. However, in some cases, it may be desirable to suppress these messages and keep the output concise.


  • --quiet: This optional flag tells the a2enmod command to run in quiet mode. It suppresses informative messages from being shown.

Example output:

No output will be displayed when using the --quiet flag. This is useful when you want a cleaner output without any additional messages cluttering the terminal.

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