Utilizing abroot for Immutable and Atomic System Changes (with examples)

Utilizing abroot for Immutable and Atomic System Changes (with examples)


abroot is a powerful utility that enables users to achieve full immutability and atomicity by transacting between two root partition states. It ensures that the system is always in a consistent state by performing updates using OCI images. This article demonstrates eight different use cases of the abroot command with code examples.

Adding packages to the local image

To add packages to the local image, the following command can be used:

sudo abroot pkg add package

Motivation: Adding packages to the local image allows you to extend the functionality of your system. Whether you need new software or libraries, this command enables you to make these additions to your system.


  • package: The name of the package that you want to add to the local image.


sudo abroot pkg add nginx


Package 'nginx' successfully added to the local image.

Removing packages from the local image

To remove packages from the local image, the following command can be used:

sudo abroot pkg remove package

Motivation: Removing unnecessary packages from the local image helps declutter your system and reduce resource consumption. It ensures that only the required packages are present, leading to an optimized environment.


  • package: The name of the package that you want to remove from the local image.


sudo abroot pkg remove nginx


Package 'nginx' successfully removed from the local image.

Listing packages in the local image

To see a list of packages present in the local image, the following command can be used:

sudo abroot pkg list

Motivation: It is important to have a clear understanding of the packages installed in the local image. This command helps you easily view all the packages, enabling easier management and troubleshooting.


sudo abroot pkg list


Package List:

1. nginx
2. mysql-client

Applying changes in the local image

To apply the changes made to the local image, the following command can be used:

sudo abroot pkg apply

Motivation: Applying changes to the local image ensures that the system reflects the modifications made. By executing this command, the installed packages and configuration changes become effective.


sudo abroot pkg apply


Changes successfully applied to the system.
Please reboot your system for the changes to take effect.

Rolling back the system to a previous state

To revert the system to a previous state, the following command can be used:

sudo abroot rollback

Motivation: Rolling back the system to a previous state is useful when unexpected issues or errors occur after applying changes. This command allows you to revert back to a stable known state, providing a way to recover from any undesired consequences.


sudo abroot rollback


System successfully rolled back to the previous state.
Please reboot your system for the changes to take effect.

Editing or viewing kernel parameters

To edit or show kernel parameters, the following command can be used:

sudo abroot kargs edit|show

Motivation: Kernel parameters are important system settings that control various functionalities and behaviors. Being able to edit or view these parameters enables you to fine-tune your system according to specific requirements.


  • edit|show: Specify whether you want to edit (edit) or show (show) the kernel parameters.


To edit kernel parameters:

sudo abroot kargs edit


Kernel parameters successfully opened for editing.

To view kernel parameters:

sudo abroot kargs show


Current kernel parameters:

1. param1=value1
2. param2=value2

Displaying the status of the system

To view the status of the system, the following command can be used:

sudo abroot status

Motivation: Checking the status of the system allows you to verify the current state and configurations. It provides useful information about the applied changes, system health, and any pending actions.


sudo abroot status


System Status:

- Packages added: 3
- Packages removed: 2
- Last changes applied: 2022-03-15 12:00:00
- Pending changes: 0

Displaying help

To access the help documentation for abroot, the following command can be used:

abroot --help

Motivation: Help documentation is crucial for understanding the utility and all the available options and commands. This command provides comprehensive information about using abroot, ensuring users have the necessary guidance.


abroot --help


Usage: abroot <command> [options]

  pkg <add|remove|list|apply>    Manage packages in the local image
  rollback                       Rollback the system to a previous state
  kargs <edit|show>              Edit or view kernel parameters
  status                         Display the status of the system

  -h, --help     Show help                                             [boolean]
  -v, --version  Show version number                                   [boolean]


abroot is a powerful utility that simplifies the management of system changes by providing immutability and atomicity. By leveraging its various commands, you can add or remove packages, apply changes, rollback to a previous state, edit kernel parameters, and view the system status. This article has provided examples and explanations for each command, enabling you to leverage abroot effectively and efficiently in your system administration tasks.

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