How to Use the Command 'abrt-action-analyze-backtrace' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'abrt-action-analyze-backtrace' (with Examples)

The abrt-action-analyze-backtrace command is a powerful utility used primarily in Linux environments to analyze C/C++ backtraces. This tool is instrumental in diagnosing and isolating issues related to software crashes by generating a duplication hash, backtrace rating, and identifying the crash function. This information is then saved as new elements duphash, rating, and crash_function in the problem directory, making it easier for developers to understand and resolve issues. More information can be found at .

Use case 1: Analyze backtrace for the current working directory




There are times when you encounter a crash within your current project or workspace and need a quick way to understand what went wrong. By directly analyzing the backtrace within the current working directory, you can quickly identify and diagnose the crash without having to navigate away from your current work context. This makes it exceptionally convenient for developers continuously working on large projects where crashes might occur frequently.


When the command is executed without any additional arguments, it assumes you want to analyze the backtrace for the current directory you are in.

  • abrt-action-analyze-backtrace: This is the command itself which is responsible for processing backtrace information within the current working directory.

Example output:

Upon running this command, you might see an output that includes a duplication hash representing the crash signature, a rating indicating the severity or significance of the backtrace, and the specific function in the code where the crash occurred. This output helps visually pinpoint critical areas that need attention.

saved duphash('/path/to/current/directory'): 12345678
saved rating('/path/to/current/directory'): 3
saved crash_function('/path/to/current/directory'): func_main

Use case 2: Analyze backtrace for a specific directory


abrt-action-analyze-backtrace -d path/to/directory


In situations where the crash did not occur in your current working directory, you might want to analyze the backtrace of a specific project or directory. This is particularly useful when managing multiple projects or when you’re working in a collaborative environment where different projects are stored in different locations. Analyzing a specific directory allows not only clarity but also expedites the debugging process.


Here, the -d option is used to specify the directory path where the backtrace you’d like to analyze resides.

  • abrt-action-analyze-backtrace: The command for analyzing backtraces.
  • -d: This option specifies the directory where the backtrace analysis should be performed.
  • path/to/directory: Substitute this with the actual path to the directory where the backtrace exists.

Example output:

The output will provide duplication hash, backtrace rating, and the crash function precisely for the targeted directory, facilitating efficient assessment of the encountered issue.

saved duphash('path/to/directory'): abcd1234
saved rating('path/to/directory'): 5
saved crash_function('path/to/directory'): func_analyze

Use case 3: Analyze backtrace verbosely


abrt-action-analyze-backtrace -v


When conducting an in-depth analysis or when trying to debug complicated crashes, detailed insight into what the backtrace analysis is doing can be invaluable. Verbose output will provide extensive details about each step the command takes, thereby increasing transparency and assisting users who need detailed information for their investigations or for documentation purposes.


The -v option enables verbose mode, which provides more detailed output about the operations the command is performing.

  • abrt-action-analyze-backtrace: The core command.
  • -v: Activates verbose mode, offering a more detailed description of the internal processes executed by the command.

Example output:

Verbose output will include a step-by-step account of how the backtrace analysis proceeds, detailing every element it processes and saves. This level of information is crucial when you need comprehensive documentation of the procedure.

Analyzing backtrace...
Generated duplication hash: efgh5678
Backtrace rated at: 4
Identified crash function: func_init
saving data to problem directory: /current/directory/path
Process completed successfully.


The abrt-action-analyze-backtrace command is an essential tool for developers and system administrators working with C/C++ applications, allowing them to efficiently diagnose and address crashes. Whether you need to analyze within your current directory, target a specific directory, or require verbose details for a thorough understanding, this command streamlines the debugging process, enabling faster turnarounds and minimizing project downtime.

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