How to use the command `ack` (with examples)

How to use the command `ack` (with examples)

ack is a search tool like grep, but optimized specifically for developers. It allows you to search for files containing a string or regular expression in the current directory, recursively. Below are several use cases that demonstrate how to utilize the ack command effectively.

Use case 1: Search for files containing a string or regular expression in the current directory recursively


ack "search_pattern"

Motivation: Sometimes, developers need to search for specific strings or regular expressions within a large codebase. Using ack with the desired search pattern allows you to find all the files that contain the pattern quickly.


  • ack: The command itself.
  • "search_pattern": The string or regular expression you want to search for. Enclose the pattern in double quotes.

Example output:

file1.txt: This is an example search_pattern in file1.
folder/file2.txt: Another occurrence of search_pattern in file2.

Use case 2: Search for a case-insensitive pattern


ack --ignore-case "search_pattern"

Motivation: If you want to perform a case-insensitive search, you can use the --ignore-case option. This allows you to find matches regardless of the text’s capitalization.


  • --ignore-case: An option that tells ack to perform a case-insensitive search.
  • "search_pattern": The pattern you want to search for.

Example output:

file.txt: This is an example of a Search_Pattern.

Use case 3: Search for lines matching a pattern, printing only the matched text and not the rest of the line


ack -o "search_pattern"

Motivation: When you only need to see the specific matched text, adding the -o option will display only the pattern that matched and omit the rest of the line’s content.


  • -o: A shorthand option for --output, which instructs ack to print only the matched text.
  • "search_pattern": The desired pattern to search for.

Example output:

file.txt: match1
file.txt: match2

Use case 4: Limit search to files of a specific type


ack --type=ruby "search_pattern"

Motivation: If you want to narrow down your search to a specific file type, you can use the --type option in combination with the desired file extension, such as ruby. This way, ack will ignore other file types and only search within Ruby files.


  • --type=ruby: An option that limits the search to files with the .ruby or .rb extension.
  • "search_pattern": The pattern you want to search for.

Example output:

file.rb: This is an example search_pattern in a Ruby file.

Use case 5: Do not search in files of a specific type


ack --type=noruby "search_pattern"

Motivation: Conversely, you may want to exclude files of a specific type from your search. By using the --type=noruby option, you can instruct ack to skip searching in Ruby files.


  • --type=noruby: An option that prevents ack from searching in files with the .ruby or .rb extensions.
  • "search_pattern": The pattern you want to search for.

Example output:

file.txt: This is an example search_pattern in a non-Ruby file.

Use case 6: Count the total number of matches found


ack --count --no-filename "search_pattern"

Motivation: When you need to determine the total number of matches found, using the --count option in combination with --no-filename will exclude the file names and only display the count.


  • --count: An option that instructs ack to display the total count of matches.
  • --no-filename: An option that excludes the file names from the output.
  • "search_pattern": The pattern you want to search for.

Example output:


Use case 7: Print the file names and the number of matches for each file only


ack --count --files-with-matches "search_pattern"

Motivation: If you need to obtain a list of file names along with the number of matches found in each file, using the --files-with-matches option will provide you with this information.


  • --count: An option that instructs ack to display the total count of matches.
  • --files-with-matches: An option that only prints the file names and the number of matches, without displaying the actual matches themselves.
  • "search_pattern": The pattern you want to search for.

Example output:

file1.txt: 2
file2.txt: 1

Use case 8: List all the values that can be used with --type


ack --help-types

Motivation: If you’re unsure about the available values that can be used with the --type option, you can consult the list provided by the --help-types command.


  • --help-types: An option that displays a list of possible values that can be used with the --type option.

Example output:

Possible values for the --type argument:
    a               ada
    whatevs         Whatever you want it to be


The ack command is a handy search tool for developers, providing optimized searching capabilities. Now that you’re familiar with these eight use cases, you can leverage the power of ack to efficiently search for specific patterns within your codebase, ignoring irrelevant files and obtaining detailed information about matches.

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