How to use the command 'addpart' (with examples)

How to use the command 'addpart' (with examples)

The command ‘addpart’ is used to tell the Linux kernel about the existence of a specified partition. It is a simple wrapper around the ‘add partition’ ioctl. This command is helpful when you need to inform the Linux kernel about the presence of a new partition.

Use case 1: Tell the kernel about the existence of the specified partition


addpart /dev/sdb 1 0 100M

Motivation: The motivation for using this command is to inform the Linux kernel about the existence of a new partition on the ‘/dev/sdb’ device.


  • addpart is the command used to add a partition.
  • /dev/sdb is the device on which the partition needs to be added.
  • 1 is the partition number.
  • 0 is the starting sector of the partition.
  • 100M is the length of the partition in megabytes.

Example Output:

Adding partition 1 to /dev/sdb... Done!

In the above example, we use the ‘addpart’ command to add partition number 1 to the ‘/dev/sdb’ device, starting from sector 0 and with a length of 100 megabytes. The command successfully informs the kernel about the existence of the specified partition.


The ‘addpart’ command is a straightforward way to inform the Linux kernel about the existence of a partition. By using this command, you can easily add partitions to devices and ensure that the kernel is aware of the new partitions.

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