How to use the command 'ag' (with examples)

How to use the command 'ag' (with examples)

The ‘ag’ command, also known as The Silver Searcher, is a tool similar to ‘ack’ but aims to be faster. It is used to search for patterns in files, displaying the lines that match the pattern in context. This article provides several examples of how to use the ‘ag’ command in different scenarios.

Use case 1: Find files containing “foo”, and print the line matches in context


ag foo

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to search for a specific pattern, such as “foo,” within multiple files. By using ‘ag’, you can quickly locate the files and see the matching lines within the context of the file contents.


  • ‘ag’ is the command itself.
  • ‘foo’ is the pattern you want to search for within the files.

Example output:

path/to/file1.txt: This line contains the word foo.
path/to/file2.txt: Here is another line with the foo pattern.

Use case 2: Find files containing “foo” in a specific directory


ag foo path/to/directory

Motivation: Sometimes, you may want to search for a pattern within a specific directory. This use case enables you to narrow down your search to a particular location, making it easier to find the desired files.


  • ‘ag’ is the command.
  • ‘foo’ is the pattern you want to search for.
  • ‘path/to/directory’ is the specific directory within which you want to search for the pattern.

Example output:

path/to/directory/file1.txt: This line contains the word foo.
path/to/directory/file2.txt: Here is another line with the foo pattern.

Use case 3: Find files containing “foo”, but only list the filenames


ag -l foo

Motivation: When you are only interested in the filenames of the files that contain a specific pattern, using the ‘-l’ option will give you a concise list.


  • ‘ag’ is the command.
  • ‘-l’ is an option that specifies to only list the filenames.
  • ‘foo’ is the pattern you want to search for.

Example output:


Use case 4: Find files containing “FOO” case-insensitively, and print only the match, rather than the whole line


ag -i -o FOO

Motivation: In some cases, you may want to search for a pattern in a case-insensitive manner and extract only the matching text, rather than the entire line. This use case highlights how to accomplish that with ‘ag’.


  • ‘ag’ is the command.
  • ‘-i’ is an option that specifies case-insensitive search.
  • ‘-o’ is an option that specifies to only print the matching text.
  • ‘FOO’ is the pattern you want to search for.

Example output:


Use case 5: Find “foo” in files with a name matching “bar”


ag foo -G bar

Motivation: When searching for a pattern, you may want to limit the search to files with specific filenames. This use case demonstrates how to specify a pattern and a regular expression to match filenames you wish to search within.


  • ‘ag’ is the command.
  • ‘foo’ is the pattern you want to search for.
  • ‘-G’ is an option that specifies a regular expression to match filenames.
  • ‘bar’ is the regular expression you want to use to select files with names matching “bar”.

Example output:

path/to/bar1.txt: This line contains the word foo.
path/to/bar2.txt: Here is another line with the foo pattern.

Use case 6: Find files whose contents match a regular expression


ag '^ba(r|z)$'

Motivation: Sometimes, you may want to search for a pattern that follows a specific regular expression. This use case showcases how to use regular expressions to search for files containing matching content.


  • ‘ag’ is the command.
  • ‘^ba(r|z)$’ is the regular expression you want to search for within the file contents.

Example output:

path/to/file1.txt: bar
path/to/file2.txt: baz

Use case 7: Find files with a name matching “foo”


ag -g foo

Motivation: This use case allows you to search for files based on their names, rather than their content. It can be helpful when looking for files with specific names in a directory.


  • ‘ag’ is the command.
  • ‘-g’ is an option that specifies searching for files based on their names.
  • ‘foo’ is the pattern you want to use to match filenames.

Example output:



The ‘ag’ command is a powerful tool for searching patterns within files. By using it with different options, you can customize your search based on your specific needs. Whether searching for patterns in file content or filenames, ‘ag’ provides a versatile solution for efficient searching.

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