How to Use the Command Aircrack-ng (with Examples)

How to Use the Command Aircrack-ng (with Examples)

Aircrack-ng is a powerful network security software suite designed to assess WiFi network security. It is widely used for tasks such as monitoring, attacking, testing, and cracking WiFi networks. One of its primary functionalities is to crack WEP and WPA/WPA2 keys from captured packet handshakes. This suite’s advanced capabilities make it an invaluable tool for security professionals and network administrators when auditing wireless networks.

Use Case 1: Crack Key from Capture File Using Wordlist


aircrack-ng -w path/to/wordlist.txt path/to/capture.cap


This use case allows a user to crack the encryption key of a WiFi network by using a wordlist. This method is particularly useful when you have an existing database of possible passwords and want to test a batch of these against a captured handshake file (.cap). By trying each password in the wordlist, Aircrack-ng attempts to find the correct encryption key, enabling you to access the network.


  • aircrack-ng: This is the command itself, part of the Aircrack-ng suite, specifically aimed at cracking encryption keys.
  • -w path/to/wordlist.txt: This argument specifies the path to the wordlist file containing possible passwords. The -w flag indicates that the following path specifies a wordlist.
  • path/to/capture.cap: This is the path to the capture file that contains the handshake data. This file is the target input that aircrack-ng will test passwords against to find a match for the encryption key.

Example Output:

Opening capture.cap
Reading packets, please wait...
Passphrase not in dictionary

If successful, this output would instead show the correct key once it is found.

Use Case 2: Crack Key from Capture File Using Wordlist and the Access Point’s ESSID


aircrack-ng -w path/to/wordlist.txt -e essid path/to/capture.cap


In this scenario, adding the ESSID (Extended Service Set Identifier) can help in scenarios where multiple networks might exist within the capture file, or when the capture file contains handshakes from various networks. By specifying the ESSID, you narrow down the search to a particular network, which can speed up the cracking process and increase the likelihood of success by ensuring the attack is correctly targeted.


  • aircrack-ng: The command for attempting to crack encryption keys.
  • -w path/to/wordlist.txt: The path specified for the wordlist to test against the capture file.
  • -e essid: The ESSID (network name) of the particular access point you aim to target. This argument helps focus the attack on a specific network.
  • path/to/capture.cap: Path to the capture file containing the handshake that you aim to crack.

Example Output:

Reading packets, please wait...
Targeted ESSID: [NetworkName]
Passphrase not in dictionary

If successful, the output would display the correct key relevant to the targeted ESSID.

Use Case 3: Crack Key from Capture File Using Wordlist and the Access Point’s MAC Address


aircrack-ng -w path/to/wordlist.txt --bssid mac path/to/capture.cap


Utilizing the access point’s MAC (Media Access Control) address to crack a key can be useful in dense environments where multiple networks have similar ESSIDs, or where networks are hidden. This feature is particularly useful to enhance accuracy by precisely targeting a specific network based on its unique hardware address.


  • aircrack-ng: The basic command for cracking WiFi network keys.
  • -w path/to/wordlist.txt: Denotes the location of the wordlist utilized for cracking.
  • --bssid mac: The MAC address of the specific network you are targeting. Precise targeting is possible with the MAC address, ensuring the correct AP is selected in complex environments.
  • path/to/capture.cap: The path to the capture file which includes the necessary handshake data for cracking.

Example Output:

Reading packets, please wait...
Passphrase not in dictionary

This output would change to display the correct passphrase when found.


Aircrack-ng provides a comprehensive suite for network security evaluation. By using different parameters and options available in these examples, users can effectively and efficiently assess the vulnerabilities in wireless networks. Understanding these use cases allows network professionals to enhance their strategies for ethical hacking and penetration testing, ensuring a robust defense against unauthorized access. However, it is crucial to only use these techniques on networks you own or have explicit permission to test to ensure legal compliance.

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