How to use the command 'alacritty' (with examples)

How to use the command 'alacritty' (with examples)

Alacritty is a cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator. It offers a fast and efficient terminal experience with the help of GPU acceleration. This article will provide examples of different use cases of the alacritty command, along with explanations and motivations for each use case.

Use case 1: Open a new Alacritty window



Motivation: The alacritty command opens a new Alacritty window, providing a quick way to access the terminal emulator. This is useful when you need to open a terminal on your system.

Explanation: This use case demonstrates the basic usage of the alacritty command without any additional arguments. By simply running alacritty in the terminal, a new Alacritty window will be launched.

Example output: A new Alacritty window is launched, displaying a terminal ready for use.

Use case 2: Run in a specific directory


alacritty --working-directory path/to/directory

Motivation: Running Alacritty in a specific directory allows you to have a terminal session already connected to a particular directory. This can save you time and effort of navigating to the desired directory after opening Alacritty.

Explanation: The --working-directory argument followed by the desired path specifies the directory in which Alacritty should open. When Alacritty is launched with this argument, it automatically changes the directory to the specified one upon opening.

Example output: A new Alacritty window is launched, and the current working directory is set to the specified directory (e.g., path/to/directory).

Use case 3: Run a command in a new Alacritty window


alacritty -e command

Motivation: Running a command in a new Alacritty window is useful when you want to execute a specific command without affecting the current terminal session. This can be helpful for running commands that require a separate Alacritty instance.

Explanation: The -e flag followed by the desired command allows you to run a specific command in a new Alacritty window. Alacritty will be launched, and the specified command will be executed in that new window.

Example output: A new Alacritty window is launched, and the specified command is executed within that window.

Use case 4: Specify alternative configuration file


alacritty --config-file path/to/config.yml

Motivation: Specifying an alternative configuration file allows you to customize the behavior and appearance of Alacritty according to your needs. This can be useful when you want to use a different configuration file rather than the default one.

Explanation: The --config-file argument followed by the path to the desired configuration file specifies an alternative configuration file for Alacritty. By default, Alacritty looks for the configuration file at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/alacritty/alacritty.yml, but this argument allows you to use a different configuration file.

Example output: Alacritty is launched using the provided configuration file (e.g., path/to/config.yml), applying the customized settings defined in that file.

Use case 5: Run with live config reload enabled


alacritty --live-config-reload --config-file path/to/config.yml

Motivation: Enabling live config reload allows you to make changes to the configuration file and have them take effect immediately without relaunching Alacritty. This is beneficial when you want to experiment with different settings or quickly update the configuration.

Explanation: The --live-config-reload flag, combined with the --config-file argument, enables live config reload in Alacritty. This means that any changes made to the configuration file (path/to/config.yml) will be dynamically applied without requiring a manual restart of Alacritty.

Example output: Alacritty is launched with live config reload enabled, loading the specified configuration file (path/to/config.yml). Any changes made to the configuration file will be immediately reflected in the running Alacritty instance.


The alacritty command provides various options and arguments to enhance your terminal experience with Alacritty. From opening a new Alacritty window to running commands and customizing the configuration, these use cases illustrate the versatility and flexibility of Alacritty as a powerful terminal emulator.

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