How to use the command 'alien' (with examples)

How to use the command 'alien' (with examples)

Alien is a command-line tool that can be used to convert different installation packages to other formats. It is primarily used for converting between different package management systems, such as converting a Debian package to a Red Hat package. This article will illustrate each of the following use cases of the ‘alien’ command:

  1. Convert a specific installation file to Debian format (.deb extension)
  2. Convert a specific installation file to Red Hat format (.rpm extension)
  3. Convert a specific installation file to a Slackware installation file (.tgz extension)
  4. Convert a specific installation file to Debian format and install on the system

Use case 1: Convert a specific installation file to Debian format


sudo alien --to-deb path/to/file

Motivation: Converting an installation file to Debian format can be useful if you want to install the package on a Debian-based system using the Debian package management system. This can make it easier to manage dependencies and updates for the package.


  • sudo: Run the command as a superuser (root) to have necessary privileges.
  • alien: The name of the command being run.
  • --to-deb: Convert the specified installation file to Debian format.
  • path/to/file: The path to the installation file that needs to be converted to Debian format.

Example output: The specified installation file will be converted to a Debian package with a .deb extension. This package can then be installed on a Debian-based system.

Use case 2: Convert a specific installation file to Red Hat format


sudo alien --to-rpm path/to/file

Motivation: Converting an installation file to Red Hat format can be helpful if you want to install the package on a Red Hat-based system, such as CentOS or Fedora. Red Hat packages (RPM) are the standard package format used in these systems.


  • sudo: Run the command as a superuser (root) to have necessary privileges.
  • alien: The name of the command being run.
  • --to-rpm: Convert the specified installation file to Red Hat format.
  • path/to/file: The path to the installation file that needs to be converted to Red Hat format.

Example output: The specified installation file will be converted to a Red Hat package with an .rpm extension. This package can then be installed on a Red Hat-based system.

Use case 3: Convert a specific installation file to a Slackware installation file


sudo alien --to-tgz path/to/file

Motivation: Converting an installation file to a Slackware installation file can be useful if you want to install the package on a Slackware-based system. Slackware packages are in .tgz format and can be easily installed using Slackware’s package management system.


  • sudo: Run the command as a superuser (root) to have necessary privileges.
  • alien: The name of the command being run.
  • --to-tgz: Convert the specified installation file to a Slackware installation file.
  • path/to/file: The path to the installation file that needs to be converted to a Slackware installation file.

Example output: The specified installation file will be converted to a Slackware installation file with a .tgz extension. This file can then be installed on a Slackware-based system using the Slackware package management system.

Use case 4: Convert a specific installation file to Debian format and install on the system


sudo alien --to-deb --install path/to/file

Motivation: This use case combines the previous two use cases. By using the --install argument, the converted Debian package will be installed on the system automatically after the conversion is complete.


  • sudo: Run the command as a superuser (root) to have necessary privileges.
  • alien: The name of the command being run.
  • --to-deb: Convert the specified installation file to Debian format.
  • --install: After the conversion, install the converted package on the system.
  • path/to/file: The path to the installation file that needs to be converted to Debian format and installed on the system.

Example output: The specified installation file will be converted to a Debian package with a .deb extension and automatically installed on the system. The installation process will be shown in the terminal.


The ‘alien’ command is a useful tool for converting installation packages between different package management systems. It allows users to convert packages to Debian format, Red Hat format, or Slackware format, depending on their needs. Additionally, the ‘alien’ command provides the option to install the converted packages directly on the system, making the installation process more seamless. By using the examples provided in this article, users can easily convert and install packages using the ‘alien’ command.

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