How to use the command "androguard" (with examples)

How to use the command "androguard" (with examples)

The command “androguard” is a reverse engineering tool for Android applications written in Python. It provides various functionalities to assist in the analysis of Android apps.

Use case 1: Display Android app manifest


androguard axml path/to/app.apk

Motivation: Displaying the Android app manifest is useful for understanding the structure and components of the app. It allows you to see information such as the declared activities, services, broadcast receivers, and permissions used by the app.


  • androguard: The command name to invoke the tool.
  • axml: The subcommand to display the Android app manifest.
  • path/to/app.apk: The path to the APK file of the app.

Example output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""

      android:targetSdkVersion="30" />

        <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

        <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

Use case 2: Display app metadata (version and app ID)


androguard apkid path/to/app.apk

Motivation: Viewing the app metadata, such as the version and app ID, can provide essential information about the app. It helps in identifying the specific version of the app and its unique identifier.


  • androguard: The command name to invoke the tool.
  • apkid: The subcommand to display the app metadata.
  • path/to/app.apk: The path to the APK file of the app.

Example output:

Package name:
Version name: 1.0
Version code: 1

Use case 3: Decompile Java code from an app


androguard decompile path/to/app.apk --output path/to/directory

Motivation: Decompiling Java code from an app allows you to analyze the internals of the app. By decompiling, you can better understand the logic and implementation of the app and identify potential vulnerabilities or security issues.


  • androguard: The command name to invoke the tool.
  • decompile: The subcommand to decompile Java code.
  • path/to/app.apk: The path to the APK file of the app.
  • --output path/to/directory: Optional argument to specify the output directory for the decompiled code. If not provided, the default output directory is used.

Example output:

Decompilation completed. Decompiled code stored in path/to/directory.


The “androguard” command provides a set of useful functionalities for reverse engineering Android applications. With the ability to display the app manifest, view app metadata, and decompile Java code, it becomes a valuable tool for analyzing and understanding Android apps. Whether you are a security researcher, developer, or Android enthusiast, “androguard” can assist in exploring the inner workings of Android applications.

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