Mastering Ansible Inventory Command (with Examples)

Mastering Ansible Inventory Command (with Examples)

The ansible-inventory command is an essential tool in Ansible for managing and visualizing your inventory. It allows users to display or dump Ansible inventories in a human-readable format or store them for further processing. Inventories are fundamental in Ansible as they define the hosts and groups upon which tasks and configurations are applied. Understanding how to manipulate and use the ansible-inventory command effectively can enhance your automation processes by providing clear insights into your managed infrastructure.

Use Case 1: Display the Default Inventory


ansible-inventory --list


The default inventory is crucial for understanding the baseline configurations of the systems under management. By listing the default inventory, users can quickly verify which hosts and groups have been defined and how they are organized. This is particularly helpful in troubleshooting and validating the setup of Ansible environments before executing any playbooks.


  • ansible-inventory: Calls the specific Ansible command responsible for handling inventories.
  • --list: This option directs Ansible to display the inventory in a human-readable format. By default, it outputs in JSON format.

Example Output:

    "_meta": {
        "hostvars": {
            "": {},
            "": {}
    "all": {
        "hosts": [
        "children": [],
        "vars": {}

Use Case 2: Display a Custom Inventory


ansible-inventory --list --inventory path/to/file_or_script_or_directory


Custom inventories are used when managing diverse environments or multiple infrastructure configurations. This flexibility allows users to organize and control machines outside the default setup, enhancing precision in deployment and management tasks. When managing non-standard environments or integrating dynamic inventory scripts, displaying the specific custom inventory helps validate correct configurations.


  • ansible-inventory: The command to execute inventory management functions.
  • --list: Option to display the inventory data.
  • --inventory path/to/file_or_script_or_directory: Specifies the path to the custom inventory file, script, or directory. Ansible supports static and dynamic inventories, and this flag tells the system where to find the non-default setup.

Example Output:

    "_meta": {
        "hostvars": {
            "": {},
            "": {}
    "group1": {
        "hosts": [
        "vars": {}

Use Case 3: Display the Default Inventory in YAML


ansible-inventory --list --yaml


YAML is a widely adopted data serialization format favored for its readability and simplicity, often preferred over JSON for configuration files. Displaying the inventory in YAML format can facilitate easier manual editing and understanding of the setup, making it suitable for scenarios where human interaction is necessary, such as reviewing the inventory configurations during code reviews or audits.


  • ansible-inventory: Initiates the Command Line Interface for inventory interaction.
  • --list: Requests that the inventory content be displayed.
  • --yaml: Changes the output format from the default JSON to YAML, offering a more straightforward presentation for documentation and editing purposes.

Example Output:

  children: []
  hosts: {} {}
  vars: {}

Use Case 4: Dump the Default Inventory to a File


ansible-inventory --list --output path/to/file


Saving an inventory to a file is critical for documentation, backup, or version control purposes. It enables administrators to keep historical records of inventory changes and share the current configurations with team members or deploy the configuration across different environments. This practice is beneficial in DevOps processes where continuous or frequent updates are characteristic.


  • ansible-inventory: The command used to access and manage inventories.
  • --list: Tells Ansible to output the list of inventories.
  • --output path/to/file: Specifies the location where the inventory should be saved. This file can then be stored, shared, or versioned as necessary.

Example Output:

No direct output is printed to the terminal as the command writes the inventory data to the specified file. The file will contain JSON data representing the inventory configuration.


The ansible-inventory command provides several options for managing and interacting with Ansible inventories. Whether displaying the default inventory, utilizing custom inventory setups, formatting outputs in YAML, or saving to files, understanding these various use cases can significantly influence the management and automation of IT environments. These utilities ensure efficiency, clarity, and accuracy in handling large-scale and dynamic infrastructure configurations.

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