How to Use the Command 'antibody' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'antibody' (with Examples)

Antibody is a lightning-fast shell plugin manager designed for use with Zsh. It aims to provide a seamless experience in managing and organizing plugins, which are essential for extending the functionality of the Zsh shell. With Antibody, you can efficiently load, update, and list your shell plugins. This flexibility makes it an indispensable tool for power users and developers who rely heavily on terminal customization and efficiency.

Use case 1: Bundle All Plugins for Static Loading


antibody bundle < ~/.zsh_plugins.txt > ~/


This use case is crucial for users who want to optimize their Zsh startup time by loading all plugins statically. By bundling the plugins into a single file, you avoid the overhead of fetching and loading each plugin individually at shell startup. This method is particularly beneficial for those who have a significant number of plugins and want to ensure that their shell environment is configured quickly and efficiently.


  • antibody: This is the core command for working with the antibody plugin manager.
  • bundle: This subcommand tells Antibody to collect and prepare the plugins for static loading.
  • < ~/.zsh_plugins.txt: This redirects the input to read from a file named .zsh_plugins.txt located in the user’s home directory. This file typically contains a list of plugins to be bundled.
  • > ~/ This redirects the output to write to a file named in the user’s home directory. The resulting file can then be sourced by the Zsh shell to load all specified plugins.

Example Output:

No direct terminal output is produced by this command. However, a new file,, will be created or updated in the home directory, containing code to load all specified plugins.

Use case 2: Update All Bundles


antibody update


Regularly updating plugins ensures that you benefit from the latest features, bug fixes, and security patches provided by plugin authors. This use case is important for maintaining an efficient and secure shell environment.


  • antibody: Again, this is the command to interact with Antibody.
  • update: This subcommand instructs Antibody to refresh all installed plugins, pulling the latest versions from their respective repositories.

Example Output:

Updating plugin: zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
Updating plugin: zdharma/fast-syntax-highlighting
Updating plugin: agkozak/zsh-z

This output lists each plugin being updated, allowing the user to track the update process.

Use case 3: List All Installed Plugins


antibody list


Listing all installed plugins is essential for managing your shell environment. This command provides a quick overview of what plugins are currently loaded, aiding in troubleshooting, organizing, or simply keeping track of your shell environment’s complexity.


  • antibody: This is the core command for handling plugin management with Antibody.
  • list: This subcommand requests Antibody to display all the plugins that have been installed or currently configured.

Example Output:


The output shows a neat list of all plugins available in the Antibody-managed environment, making it easy for users to review their current setup.


The Antibody plugin manager offers a compact and efficient way to manage Zsh plugins. By utilizing the commands discussed here—bundling plugins for static loading, updating them regularly, and listing current installations—you can ensure your shell environment is both powerful and efficiently managed. These examples provide practical insights to help streamline your terminal productivity.

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