How to use the command 'aplay' (with examples)

How to use the command 'aplay' (with examples)

The ‘aplay’ command is an audio playback tool associated with the ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) soundcard driver commonly used in Linux environments. It allows users to play audio files directly from the command line. ‘aplay’ automatically manages parameters such as sampling rate and bit depth based on the given file format, making it extremely versatile. It supports a range of audio files, including raw audio formats, providing options to specify specific characteristics of the playback process such as duration, sampling rate, and format.

Use case 1: Play a specific file


aplay path/to/file


The most basic functionality of ‘aplay’ is its ability to play audio files directly from the terminal. This use case is particularly beneficial for users who need to verify the contents of an audio file quickly, without the overhead of opening a graphical audio player. This feature is handy for developers and sound engineers who may need to automate the audio playback process in scripts or during setup configurations.


  • The command aplay is specified first, indicating the tool to be used for playback.
  • The path/to/file is a placeholder for the actual path to the audio file you want to play. By pointing ‘aplay’ to this path, it automatically determines the file format and plays it using appropriate settings for sampling rate, bit depth, etc.

Example Output:

Once executed, the command will output straightforward feedback on the terminal, indicating that it is playing the specified file, often including metadata about the file being played, depending on the verbosity of your ALSA configuration.

Use case 2: Play the first 10 seconds of a specific file at 2500 Hz


aplay --duration=10 --rate=2500 path/to/file


Sometimes, you don’t require listening to the entire audio file, especially if it’s lengthy. You may only need to hear a sample to verify its content or analyze a portion of it. This command enables users to play only a specific duration, making it ideal for scenarios such as reviewing audio clips during editing or quality checks in sound production workflows.


  • --duration=10: This option tells ‘aplay’ to stop playing after 10 seconds, allowing users to hear only a snippet without manually stopping the playback.
  • --rate=2500: This changes the sampling rate to 2500 Hz. A low sampling rate like this is generally used when high fidelity is unnecessary, reducing computational overhead.
  • path/to/file: Specifies the location of the file.

Example Output:

The program will respond with audio output for the first ten seconds, and it will automatically cease playback after this duration, noting any specific adjustments used like altered sampling rates.

Use case 3: Play the raw file as a 22050 Hz, mono, 8-bit, Mu-Law .au file


aplay --channels=1 --file-type raw --rate=22050 --format=mu_law path/to/file


Handling raw audio data necessitates explicitly specifying audio format details to ensure proper playback, as these files do not inherently contain header information that describes them. This is beneficial to sound professionals and programmers dealing with lower-level audio data, who might test or use differing audio formats and settings for various devices and applications.


  • --channels=1: This option sets the audio to mono, meaning it will use a single audio channel. Mono audio is suitable for applications where stereo reproduction is not required or beneficial.
  • --file-type raw: It specifies that the file is in a raw format without any headers, allowing ‘aplay’ to treat it accordingly.
  • --rate=22050: Sets the sampling rate to 22050 Hz, which is a common frequency used for telephone quality audio and FM radio, balancing quality and file size.
  • --format=mu_law: This defines the audio file format to be Mu-Law, a companding algorithm predominantly used in digital voice processing and telephony in North America.
  • path/to/file: Denotes the file’s path.

Example Output:

Upon successful execution, ‘aplay’ will produce audio output adhering to these specific configurations, showcasing flexibility in playing less conventional file types and formats. It will provide terminal feedback on channel count, audio format, etc., before starting playback.


The ‘aplay’ tool provides a command-line interface to the audio playback capabilities of ALSA, making it a powerful utility for quick playback needs, testing, and quality verification of audio files. Each example highlights the tool’s versatility in handling varying audio requirements by customizing parameters like sampling rate, duration, and file formats, all critical for sound professionals working with diverse audio data types.

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