How to use the command 'apx stacks' (with examples)

How to use the command 'apx stacks' (with examples)

Managing stacks in apx is made easy with the apx stacks command. This command allows users to create, update, list, remove, import, and export stack configurations in apx.

Use case 1: Interactively create a new stack configuration


apx stacks new

Motivation: This use case is helpful when a user wants to create a new stack configuration interactively. It allows the user to define the stack properties such as name, platform, and runtime in a user-friendly manner.


  • apx stacks new: The command to interactively create a new stack configuration.

Example output:

Enter stack name: my-stack
Enter platform: linux
Enter runtime: node.js
Created stack configuration: my-stack

Use case 2: Interactively update a stack configuration


apx stacks update name

Motivation: Updating a stack configuration is a common requirement. This use case allows users to interactively update an existing stack configuration, making it easy to modify any existing properties.


  • apx stacks update: The command to interactively update a stack configuration.
  • name: The name of the stack configuration to update.

Example output:

Updated stack configuration: my-stack

Use case 3: List all available stack configurations


apx stacks list

Motivation: When working with multiple stack configurations, it is helpful to have a way to list all the available configurations. This use case provides a convenient way to view all the stack configurations stored in ~/.local/share/apx/stacks.


  • apx stacks list: The command to list all available stack configurations.

Example output:

- my-stack
- another-stack
- example-stack

Use case 4: Remove a specified stack configuration


apx stacks rm --name string

Motivation: Occasionally, a user may need to remove a stack configuration. This use case allows users to specify the name of the stack configuration they want to remove.


  • apx stacks rm: The command to remove a stack configuration.
  • --name: The flag to specify the name of the stack configuration.
  • string: The name of the stack configuration to remove.

Example output:

Successfully removed stack configuration: my-stack

Use case 5: Import a stack configuration


apx stacks import --input path/to/stack.yml

Motivation: Importing a stack configuration can be useful when users want to use an existing configuration from an external file. This use case allows users to import a stack configuration from a specified YAML file.


  • apx stacks import: The command to import a stack configuration.
  • --input: The flag to specify the input file path.
  • path/to/stack.yml: The path to the YAML file containing the stack configuration.

Example output:

Imported stack configuration: my-stack

Use case 6: Export the stack configuration


apx stacks export --name string --output path/to/output_file

Motivation: Exporting a stack configuration can be useful when users want to share or backup their configuration. This use case allows users to export a specified stack configuration to a specified output file path.


  • apx stacks export: The command to export a stack configuration.
  • --name: The flag to specify the name of the stack configuration to export.
  • string: The name of the stack configuration to export.
  • --output: The flag to specify the output file path.
  • path/to/output_file: The path to the output file.

Example output:

Successfully exported stack configuration: my-stack to path/to/output_file


With the apx stacks command, users can easily create, update, list, remove, import, and export stack configurations in apx. This command simplifies the management of stack configurations, providing a user-friendly interface and various options for configuration manipulation.

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