Arc Command Usage Examples (with examples)

Arc Command Usage Examples (with examples)

Sending Changes to Differential for Review

To send changes to Differential for review, the arc diff command is used. This command allows developers to create code reviews for their changes. Below is an example of how to use arc diff:

arc diff

Motivation: The motivation for using the arc diff command is to easily initiate and create code reviews for changes made to a codebase. This allows for thorough inspection and review of the changes by other team members.

Explanation of Arguments:

  • This command does not require any arguments, as it uses the current repository and branch information to generate the diff for review.

Example Output:

Creating a new Differential revision...
Submitting the changes for review...
Review request has been created: D12345

Showing Pending Revision Information

To show pending revision information, the arc list command is used. This command allows developers to view a list of pending code reviews and their corresponding details. Below is an example of how to use arc list:

arc list

Motivation: The motivation for using the arc list command is to quickly check the status and details of pending code reviews. This helps developers keep track of their changes and the reviews they are awaiting.

Explanation of Arguments:

  • This command does not require any arguments. It lists the pending code reviews for the current repository.

Example Output:

ID    Title                              Author    Created       Status  
D12345 Update README file                Alice     2021-01-01    Accepted
D12346 Fix bug in login page             Bob       2021-01-02    Request Changes
D12347 Add new feature                   Carol     2021-01-03    Needs Review

Updating Git Commit Messages after Review

To update Git commit messages after review, the arc amend command is used. This command allows developers to modify the commit message of their existing commits. Below is an example of how to use arc amend:

arc amend

Motivation: The motivation for using the arc amend command is to clarify or improve the commit message of an existing commit after it has been reviewed. This helps provide accurate and descriptive commit history in the Git repository.

Explanation of Arguments:

  • This command does not require any arguments. It opens the default text editor for the user to modify the commit message of the latest commit.

Example Output:

Amending the latest commit...

Pushing Git Changes

To push Git changes, the arc land command is used. This command allows developers to push their changes from a feature branch to the main branch of the repository. Below is an example of how to use arc land:

arc land

Motivation: The motivation for using the arc land command is to merge the changes made in a feature branch into the main branch of the repository. This ensures that the changes are incorporated into the production codebase.

Explanation of Arguments:

  • This command does not require any arguments. It uses the current branch information to determine the changes to be merged.

Example Output:

Pushing changes to the main branch...
Merged branch feature/my-feature-branch into main

By following the examples provided, developers can effectively use the arc command to send changes for review, view pending revision information, update commit messages, and push Git changes.

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