Using the `arch` Command (with examples)

Using the `arch` Command (with examples)

  • Osx
  • November 5, 2023

1: Display the system’s architecture


Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to quickly determine the architecture of your system. Knowing the architecture can be useful when you are troubleshooting, installing software, or dealing with compatibility issues.

Explanation: When the arch command is run without any arguments, it simply displays the name of your system’s architecture. This can be helpful in determining whether your system is using x86_64, arm, arm64, or other architectures.

Example Output: If your system is using the x86_64 architecture, running arch will output x86_64.

2: Run a command using x86_64

arch -x86_64 "command"

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to run a specific command using the x86_64 architecture, even if your system is capable of running the command in a different architecture.

Explanation: The -x86_64 option allows you to specify the desired architecture for running a command. By using this option, you can instruct your system to execute the command using the x86_64 architecture, regardless of the architecture set by default.

Example Output: Let’s say you have a command named example_command that is capable of running in multiple architectures. Running arch -x86_64 "example_command" will execute example_command using the x86_64 architecture. The output will depend on the functionality of the example_command.

3: Run a command using arm

arch -arm64 "command"

Motivation: In some cases, you may need to run a command using the arm architecture, even if your system architecture is different. This use case allows you to specify the arm architecture for executing a command.

Explanation: The -arm64 option is used to specify the desired architecture for running a command. If your system architecture is not arm, using this option allows you to run the command specifically using the arm architecture.

Example Output: Suppose you have a command named example_command that can be executed using the arm architecture. Running arch -arm64 "example_command" will execute example_command using the arm architecture. The output will vary depending on the functionality of the example_command.

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