How to use the command 'archinstall' (with examples)

How to use the command 'archinstall' (with examples)

The ‘archinstall’ command is a guided installer for Arch Linux with a twist. It simplifies the installation process by providing an interactive or preset installation experience. This command is useful for users who want to install Arch Linux without having to manually configure all the settings.

Use case 1: Start the interactive installer



Motivation: The motivation for using the interactive installer is to have a more hands-on experience during the installation process. This allows users to customize various settings and options according to their needs.

Explanation: In this use case, the ‘archinstall’ command is simply executed without any arguments. This starts the interactive installer, where users can follow the prompts and make selections for different installation options, such as disk partitioning, hostname, timezone, and so on.

Example output: The interactive installer will guide the user through various steps, displaying prompts and options to choose from. For example, it may prompt the user to select the disk to install Arch Linux on, create partitions, select packages to install, set the root password, and create a user account.

Use case 2: Start a preset installer


archinstall minimal|unattended

Motivation: The motivation for using the preset installer is to have a more automated installation process. This is useful for users who prefer a quick installation with minimal user intervention or for script-based installations.

Explanation: In this use case, the ‘archinstall’ command is followed by either “minimal” or “unattended”.

  • “minimal”: This starts the preset installer with minimal prompts and sensible defaults, providing a streamlined installation experience. It is suitable for users who want a basic Arch Linux setup without much customization.
  • “unattended”: This starts the preset installer with even fewer prompts and fully automated installation. It is suitable for users who want a completely hands-off installation process, making it ideal for script-based installations or automated deployments.

Example output: Depending on the chosen preset, the installer may skip certain prompts, such as disk partitioning, hostname configuration, or package selection. Instead, it will use predefined settings or sensible defaults to proceed with the installation. The output will include the progress of the installation, including the installation of packages and the configuration of system settings.


The ‘archinstall’ command provides a guided installation experience for Arch Linux, catering to both hands-on and automated installation needs. Whether you prefer an interactive or preset installer, this command helps simplify the installation process and allows customization according to your preferences. With the use of this command, you can easily install Arch Linux with minimal hassle and get your system up and running quickly.

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