How to use the command archlinux-java (with examples)

How to use the command archlinux-java (with examples)

The archlinux-java command is a utility in Arch Linux that allows users to switch between different Java environments. It provides a simple and convenient way to manage multiple Java installations on a single system. This article provides examples of different use cases of the archlinux-java command.

Use case 1: List installed Java environments


archlinux-java status

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to know which Java environments are currently installed on your system.

Explanation: The status argument is used with the archlinux-java command to list all the installed Java environments.

Example output:

Available Java environments:
  java-11-openjdk (default)

Use case 2: Return the short name of the current default Java environment


archlinux-java get

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to know the short name of the Java environment that is currently set as the default.

Explanation: The get argument is used with the archlinux-java command to retrieve the short name of the current default Java environment.

Example output:


Use case 3: Set the default Java environment


archlinux-java set java_environment

Motivation: This use case is used when you want to set a specific Java environment as the default.

Explanation: The set argument followed by the desired Java environment is used with the archlinux-java command to set it as the default Java environment.


archlinux-java set java-8-openjdk/jre

Use case 4: Unset the default Java environment


archlinux-java unset

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to remove the current default Java environment and have no default Java environment set.

Explanation: The unset argument is used with the archlinux-java command to remove the currently set default Java environment.


archlinux-java unset

Use case 5: Fix an invalid/broken default Java environment configuration


archlinux-java fix

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you encounter an invalid or broken default Java environment configuration. Running this command can help fix the configuration and ensure the default Java environment is correctly set.

Explanation: The fix argument is used with the archlinux-java command to attempt to fix an invalid or broken default Java environment configuration.


archlinux-java fix


The archlinux-java command provides a convenient way to manage multiple Java environments on an Arch Linux system. By using various arguments with the command, you can list installed Java environments, set the default environment, unset the default environment, and fix any invalid or broken configurations. This allows you to switch between different Java environments easily based on your requirements and preferences.

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