arduino-builder Command (with examples)

arduino-builder Command (with examples)

1: Compiling a sketch

arduino-builder -compile path/to/sketch.ino


Compiling a sketch is an essential step in the Arduino development process. This command allows you to compile an Arduino sketch file, which is written in the Arduino programming language (based on C and C++). By compiling the sketch, you can check for syntax errors and generate the necessary binary files for uploading and running the code on an Arduino board.


  • -compile: Specifies that the command is for compiling a sketch.
  • path/to/sketch.ino: The path to the Arduino sketch file (.ino extension).

Example Output:

The command will compile the sketch specified by the given path. If there are no syntax errors, the compilation process will generate the relevant binary files (.hex, .elf, .eep, etc.) needed for further actions like uploading to an Arduino board.

2: Specifying the debug level

arduino-builder -debug-level 1..10


When encountering issues during the compilation process, it can be helpful to increase the debug level. By setting the debug level, you can gather more detailed information about the process, including potential error messages and warnings. This facilitates better troubleshooting, especially when dealing with complex sketches or libraries.


  • -debug-level: Specifies the level of detail for debugging output. The range is from 1 to 10, where 1 provides minimal output and 10 provides the highest level of detail.

Example Output:

By setting the debug level to a higher value (e.g., 5), the output will include more detailed information about the compilation process. This can be useful for identifying the cause of any errors or warnings encountered during compilation.

3: Specifying a custom build directory

arduino-builder -build-path path/to/build_directory


By default, Arduino Builder uses a temporary directory to store the compiled files during the build process. However, you may want to specify a different location for the build directory to keep your project organized or to avoid filling up the temporary storage.


  • -build-path: Specifies the path to the custom build directory where the compiled files will be stored.

Example Output:

By providing a custom build directory path, Arduino Builder will compile the sketch and save the generated files in the specified directory. This provides a centralized location for accessing the compiled files and allows for easier management of the project.

4: Using a build option file

arduino-builder -build-options-file path/to/build.options.json


When working on multiple Arduino projects, it can be cumbersome to specify all the necessary build options (e.g., hardware, tools, libraries) manually each time. By using a build option file, you can save time and effort by storing these configurations in a JSON file and referencing it during the build process.


  • -build-options-file: Specifies the path to the build options file, which contains the desired build configurations in JSON format.

Example Output:

By providing a build option file, Arduino Builder will read the specified JSON file and use the configurations stored within it. This can include paths to hardware, tools, libraries, and other build-related settings. Using a build option file streamlines the build process, ensuring consistent settings across multiple projects.

5: Enabling verbose mode

arduino-builder -verbose true


Verbose mode provides detailed output during the build process, displaying the specific steps and actions being executed. Enabling verbose mode can be beneficial for understanding the build flow, identifying potential bottlenecks, or gaining insights into the underlying processes of Arduino Builder.


  • -verbose: Enables or disables verbose mode. Setting it to true enables verbose mode, while false disables it.

Example Output:

When verbose mode is enabled, Arduino Builder will display additional information during the build process. This can include the files being compiled, the libraries being used, the commands being executed, and more. The verbose output provides transparency and helps understand the various stages of the build process better.

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