How to use the command "arithmetic" (with examples)

How to use the command "arithmetic" (with examples)

The “arithmetic” command is a quiz program that generates simple arithmetic problems for the user to solve. It can be used to practice basic math skills or to test one’s understanding of arithmetic operations.

Use case 1: Start an arithmetic quiz




  • This use case is useful when you want to start an arithmetic quiz.


  • The command “arithmetic” without any options will start an arithmetic quiz where the user will be given random arithmetic problems to solve.

Example output:

Welcome to the arithmetic quiz!

Solve the following problem:
12 + 5 = ?

Your answer: 

Use case 2: Specify one or more arithmetic [o]peration symbols to get problems on them


arithmetic -o +|-|x|/


  • This use case is useful when you want to focus on specific arithmetic operations during the quiz.


  • By using the “-o” option followed by arithmetic operation symbols separated by pipes (|), you can specify which operations you want the problems to be based on. The available operation symbols are “+”, “-”, “x”, and “/”.

Example output:

Welcome to the arithmetic quiz!

Solve the following problem:
8 x 6 = ?

Your answer: 

Use case 3: Specify a range for the problems


arithmetic -r 7


  • This use case is useful when you want to limit the range of numbers used in the problems generated by the quiz.


  • The “-r” option followed by a number specifies the range of numbers to be used in the problems. For addition and multiplication problems, the numbers used will be between 0 and the specified range (inclusive). For subtraction and division problems, the required result and the numbers to be operated on will also be limited to the specified range.

Example output:

Welcome to the arithmetic quiz!

Solve the following problem:
2 + 3 = ?

Your answer: 


The “arithmetic” command is a versatile tool for generating arithmetic problems for quiz purposes. By using different options, you can customize the quiz to focus on specific operations or limit the range of numbers used. It is a useful command for practicing basic math skills or testing arithmetic knowledge.

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