How to use the command 'asar' (with examples)

How to use the command 'asar' (with examples)

The ‘asar’ command is a file archiver specifically designed for the Electron platform. It allows you to package files and directories into a single archive file, as well as extract files from an existing archive. This can be useful for bundling resources together in an efficient and organized manner.

Use case 1: Archive a file or directory


asar pack path/to/input_file_or_directory path/to/output_archive.asar

Motivation: The motivation behind archiving a file or directory using the ‘asar’ command is to bundle all the required resources into a single file, which can be easily distributed or deployed as needed. This can help in packaging Electron applications efficiently.


  • asar: This is the command used to invoke the ‘asar’ tool.
  • pack: This argument specifies that we want to package the given input file or directory into an archive.
  • path/to/input_file_or_directory: This is the path to the file or directory that you want to archive.
  • path/to/output_archive.asar: This is the path and name of the output archive file that will be created.

Example output: If you run the command asar pack /path/to/files /path/to/archive.asar, the ‘asar’ tool will create an archive file named ‘archive.asar’ in the specified directory. This file will contain all the files and directories present in the ‘/path/to/files’ directory.

Use case 2: Extract an archive


asar extract path/to/archive.asar

Motivation: Extracting an archive using the ‘asar’ command can be useful when you need to access individual files or directories bundled in the archive. This allows you to retrieve specific resources without having to extract the entire archive.


  • extract: This argument tells the ‘asar’ tool to extract the archive.
  • path/to/archive.asar: This is the path to the archive file you want to extract.

Example output: If you run the command asar extract /path/to/archive.asar, the ‘asar’ tool will extract all the files and directories present in the archive and place them in the current directory.

Use case 3: Extract a specific file from an archive


asar extract-file path/to/archive.asar file

Motivation: Extracting a specific file from an archive can be helpful when you only need one or a few files from the archive, rather than extracting the entire contents. This can save time and disk space.


  • extract-file: This argument specifies that we want to extract a specific file from the archive.
  • path/to/archive.asar: This is the path to the archive file that contains the desired file.
  • file: This is the path to the file you want to extract from the archive.

Example output: If you run the command asar extract-file /path/to/archive.asar file.txt, the ‘asar’ tool will extract the file named ‘file.txt’ from the archive and place it in the current directory.

Use case 4: List the contents of an archive file


asar list path/to/archive.asar

Motivation: Listing the contents of an archive can help you get an overview of the files and directories contained within. This can be useful for troubleshooting, verifying the archive contents, or simply getting a better understanding of what is bundled.


  • list: This argument instructs the ‘asar’ tool to list the contents of the archive.
  • path/to/archive.asar: This is the path to the archive file for which you want to list the contents.

Example output: If you run the command asar list /path/to/archive.asar, the ‘asar’ tool will display a list of all the files and directories contained within the archive, providing their paths and sizes.


The ‘asar’ command is a powerful tool for creating and extracting archives on the Electron platform. Whether you need to package resources, retrieve specific files, or inspect archive contents, the ‘asar’ command has you covered. By following the examples provided in this article, you can effectively utilize the ‘asar’ command in your Electron projects.

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