How to use the command asciitopgm (with examples)

How to use the command asciitopgm (with examples)

The asciitopgm command is used to convert ASCII graphics into a PGM file. PGM (Portable Gray Map) is a simple grayscale image format that stores pixel values as shades of gray. This command allows you to take ASCII art and convert it into a graphical representation.

Use case 1: Convert ASCII data to PGM image


asciitopgm path/to/input_file > path/to/output_file.pgm

Motivation: This use case is useful when you have ASCII art that you want to convert into a visual image. By converting ASCII data into a PGM image, you can view the art in a graphical format.


  • asciitopgm: The command itself that converts ASCII data into a PGM image.
  • path/to/input_file: The path to the ASCII file that you want to convert.
  • >: The output redirection symbol that specifies the output should be saved to a file.
  • path/to/output_file.pgm: The path and filename where you want to save the PGM image.

Example output:

When you run the command:

asciitopgm ascii_art.txt > image.pgm

The ASCII art stored in the “ascii_art.txt” file will be converted into a PGM image file called “image.pgm”.

Use case 2: Display version


asciitopgm -version

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to quickly check the version of the asciitopgm command that you are using. Knowing the version can be useful for troubleshooting purposes or ensuring compatibility with scripts or other tools.


  • asciitopgm: The command itself.
  • -version: The argument used to display the version information of the asciitopgm command.

Example output:

Running the command:

asciitopgm -version

Will display the version information of the asciitopgm command, such as “asciitopgm 1.0”.


The asciitopgm command is a versatile tool for converting ASCII graphics into PGM files. It allows you to transform ASCII art into visual images and also provides a way to quickly check the version of the command. By understanding how to use these use cases, you can leverage the power of asciitopgm for various purposes, from creating visually appealing images to troubleshooting compatibility issues.

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