How to use the command 'asr' (with examples)

How to use the command 'asr' (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The ‘asr’ command, which stands for Apple Software Restore, is a command-line tool that allows users to restore (copy) disk images onto a volume. It is a powerful utility that is primarily used for system imaging and deployment purposes on macOS.

Use case 1: Restore a disk image to a target volume


sudo asr restore --source image_file.dmg --target path/to/volume_file

Motivation: The motivation for using this use case is to restore a disk image onto a target volume. This is typically done when users want to deploy an operating system or a system image onto a specific volume.


  • sudo: Runs the command with administrative privileges.
  • asr restore: Initiates the restore process.
  • --source image_file.dmg: Specifies the path to the disk image file that will be restored.
  • --target path/to/volume_file: Specifies the path to the target volume where the image will be copied to.

Example output: The disk image specified in image_file.dmg will be restored onto the target volume specified in path/to/volume_file.

Use case 2: Erase the target volume before restoring


sudo asr restore --source image_file.dmg --target path/to/volume_file --erase

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to erase the target volume before restoring the disk image. This can be useful when users want to ensure that any existing data on the target volume is completely removed before copying the new image.


  • --erase: Specifies that the target volume should be erased before the restore process begins.

Example output: The target volume specified in path/to/volume_file will be erased and then the disk image specified in image_file.dmg will be restored onto it.

Use case 3: Skip verification after restoring


sudo asr restore --source image_file.dmg --target path/to/volume_file --noverify

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to skip the verification process after restoring the disk image. Skipping the verification can save time and resources, especially when users are confident that the restore was successful and want to speed up the process.


  • --noverify: Specifies that the restore process should not perform any verification checks after restoring.

Example output: The disk image specified in image_file.dmg will be restored onto the target volume specified in path/to/volume_file, and verification checks will be skipped.

Use case 4: Clone volumes without the use of an intermediate disk image


sudo asr restore --source path/to/volume_file --target path/to/volume_file

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to clone a volume without the need for an intermediate disk image file. This can be useful when users want to quickly duplicate a volume onto another target volume.


  • --source path/to/volume_file: Specifies the path to the source volume that will be cloned.
  • --target path/to/volume_file: Specifies the path to the target volume where the source volume will be copied to.

Example output: The source volume specified in path/to/volume_file will be cloned onto the target volume specified in path/to/volume_file.


The ‘asr’ command is a versatile tool for disk imaging and system deployment on macOS. It provides users with the ability to restore disk images onto target volumes, erase volumes before restoring, skip verification checks, and even clone volumes without the need for an intermediate disk image. By understanding these use cases and their corresponding commands, users can leverage the power of the ‘asr’ command to efficiently manage system imaging and deployment tasks.

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