How to use the command 'atom' (with examples)

How to use the command 'atom' (with examples)

Atom is a cross-platform pluggable text editor that allows users to open files and directories, manage plugins, and provide a safe mode for editing. This article provides various use cases of the ‘atom’ command along with examples and explanations.

Use case 1: Open a file or directory


atom path/to/file_or_directory

Motivation: Opening a file or directory in Atom allows users to easily edit, view, and manipulate the content within.

Explanation: By providing the path to the desired file or directory, the ‘atom’ command opens it in the Atom text editor.

Example output: The file or directory specified will open in a new Atom window, ready for editing.

Use case 2: Open a file or directory in a new window


atom -n path/to/file_or_directory

Motivation: Opening a file or directory in a new window allows users to work on multiple files or directories simultaneously without having to switch between tabs.

Explanation: The ‘-n’ flag tells the ‘atom’ command to open the specified file or directory in a new window of Atom.

Example output: The specified file or directory will open in a new window, separate from any existing Atom windows.

Use case 3: Open a file or directory in an existing window


atom --add path/to/file_or_directory

Motivation: Opening a file or directory in an existing window allows users to consolidate their work and easily navigate between multiple files or directories within the same Atom window.

Explanation: The ‘–add’ flag instructs the ‘atom’ command to open the specified file or directory within an existing Atom window.

Example output: The specified file or directory will open within the current Atom window, alongside any other open files or directories.

Use case 4: Open Atom in safe mode (does not load any additional packages)


atom --safe

Motivation: Opening Atom in safe mode can be useful when troubleshooting issues or trying to isolate problems caused by installed plugins or packages.

Explanation: The ‘–safe’ flag starts Atom without loading any additional packages or plugins, providing a clean environment for editing.

Example output: Atom opens without any additional packages loaded, resulting in a minimalist editor window.

Use case 5: Prevent Atom from forking into the background, keeping Atom attached to the terminal


atom --foreground

Motivation: Keeping Atom attached to the terminal can be helpful when running Atom commands that require immediate feedback or when troubleshooting issues.

Explanation: The ‘–foreground’ flag ensures that Atom does not fork into the background, keeping it attached to the terminal from which it was launched.

Example output: Atom opens normally without detaching from the terminal, allowing for immediate feedback or interaction.

Use case 6: Wait for Atom window to close before returning


atom --wait

Motivation: Having Atom wait for the window to close before returning is useful in scenarios where Atom is used as a Git commit editor. It ensures that the commit process does not proceed until the editor is closed.

Explanation: The ‘–wait’ flag instructs Atom to wait for the window to close before returning control to the command line.

Example output: Atom opens as the Git commit editor, and the commit process does not proceed until the editor window is closed.


The ‘atom’ command provides a versatile set of use cases for users to interact with the Atom text editor. From simply opening files and directories to managing plugins and running Atom in safe mode, understanding these use cases empowers users to make the most of Atom’s features and customize their editing experience.

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