How to use the command "atoum" (with examples)

How to use the command "atoum" (with examples)

The atoum --init command is used to initialize a configuration file for the atoum unit testing framework.


atoum --init

Motivation: When using atoum for the first time, it is necessary to set up a configuration file to define the project-specific settings and options for the tests.

Explanation: The --init argument tells the atoum command to generate a default configuration file in the current directory. This file can then be modified to specify things like the test directory, bootstrap file, and various other options.

Example output:

./.atoum.php configuration file created successfully


The atoum command is used to run all the tests in the current project.



Motivation: Running all tests is a common use case when developing a project with atoum. It allows us to get a comprehensive view of the test results and identify any issues.

Explanation: By simply running the atoum command, it will automatically search for and execute all the test files in the test directory specified in the configuration file.

Example output:

Test cases: 5, Assertions: 12, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Duration: 0.013s.

atoum -c path/to/file

The atoum -c command is used to specify a custom configuration file to be used for running the tests.


atoum -c path/to/file

Motivation: In some cases, it may be necessary to use a different configuration file than the default .atoum.php. This command allows us to specify the path to a custom configuration file.

Explanation: The -c argument is followed by the path to the desired configuration file. This file will be loaded instead of the default configuration file when running the tests.

Example output:

Test cases: 5, Assertions: 12, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Duration: 0.015s.

atoum -f path/to/file

The atoum -f command is used to run a specific test file.


atoum -f path/to/file

Motivation: Sometimes, it is necessary to run a specific test file rather than all the tests. This command allows us to do that by specifying the path to the desired test file.

Explanation: The -f argument is followed by the path to the test file that you want to run. Atoum will execute only the tests defined in that file.

Example output:

Test cases: 2, Assertions: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Duration: 0.009s.

atoum -d path/to/directory

The atoum -d command is used to run all the tests in a specific directory.


atoum -d path/to/directory

Motivation: When organizing tests into separate directories, it is useful to be able to run all the tests in a specific directory. This command allows us to do that by specifying the path to the target directory.

Explanation: The -d argument is followed by the path to the directory containing the desired test files. Atoum will search for and execute all the test files within that directory.

Example output:

Test cases: 3, Assertions: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Duration: 0.011s.

atoum -ns namespace

The atoum -ns command is used to run all the tests under a specific namespace.


atoum -ns namespace

Motivation: In larger projects, tests are often organized into different namespaces to reflect the project structure. It can be useful to run all the tests under a specific namespace to focus on a particular area of code.

Explanation: The -ns argument is followed by the desired namespace. Atoum will search for and execute all the test files under that namespace.

Example output:

Test cases: 4, Assertions: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Duration: 0.012s.

atoum -t tag

The atoum -t command is used to run all the tests with a specific tag.


atoum -t tag

Motivation: Tags are often used to categorize tests based on different criteria, such as performance, functionality, or integration. Running tests with specific tags allows us to focus on specific subsets of tests.

Explanation: The -t argument is followed by the desired tag. Atoum will search for and execute all the test files that have been tagged with the specified tag.

Example output:

Test cases: 2, Assertions: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Duration: 0.008s.

atoum --bootstrap-file path/to/file

The atoum --bootstrap-file command is used to load a custom bootstrap file before running the tests.


atoum --bootstrap-file path/to/file

Motivation: A bootstrap file is often used to perform setup tasks before running the tests, such as loading dependencies or initializing the testing environment. This command allows us to specify a custom bootstrap file to be loaded.

Explanation: The --bootstrap-file argument is followed by the path to the custom bootstrap file. This file will be executed before running the tests, allowing us to perform any necessary setup tasks.

Example output:

Test cases: 5, Assertions: 12, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Duration: 0.014s.


In this article, we have explored several different use cases for the atoum command, including initializing a configuration file, running all tests, running specific tests or directories, filtering tests by namespace or tag, and loading a custom bootstrap file. These examples demonstrate the versatility and flexibility of the atoum unit testing framework, allowing developers to customize their testing process according to their specific needs.

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