How to use the command 'audacious' (with examples)

How to use the command 'audacious' (with examples)

Audacious is an open-source audio player that provides a straightforward way to listen to music and manage playlists. It offers various command-line options to control the playback and perform different actions.

Use case 1: Launch the program




Launching the program is the first step to start using Audacious. This command opens the Audacious application with its default settings.


The command “audacious” is used to open the Audacious audio player. When executed, it launches the Audacious application, allowing users to interact with its user interface.

Example Output:

The Audacious application opens, displaying the user interface with the default settings.

Use case 2: Enqueue a specific directory of audio files


audacious --enqueue path/to/directory


Enqueuing a specific directory of audio files allows users to add multiple songs or files to the Audacious playlist at once conveniently. Instead of manually adding each file one by one, this command automates the process.


The command “audacious –enqueue” is used to add a specific directory of audio files to the Audacious playlist. The “path/to/directory” argument should be replaced with the actual path to the directory containing the audio files that need to be added.

Example Output:

When executing the command “audacious –enqueue /home/user/music”, all the audio files within the directory “/home/user/music” will be added to the Audacious playlist.

Use case 3: Start or stop playback


audacious --play-pause


The command to start or stop playback allows users to control the audio playback in Audacious. It provides a way to pause or resume playing the current track.


The command “audacious –play-pause” is used to toggle the playback state between play and pause. If the music is currently playing, executing this command will pause the playback, and if the music is paused, executing it again will resume the playback.

Example Output:

If the music is currently playing, executing the command “audacious –play-pause” will pause the playback. If the music is paused, executing the same command again will resume the playback.

Use case 4: Skip forwards or backwards in the playlist


audacious --fwd|rew


The ability to skip forwards or backwards in the playlist allows users to easily navigate through the songs in Audacious. It provides convenient control over the current track being played.


The command “audacious –fwd” is used to skip forwards to the next track in the playlist. Conversely, the command “audacious –rew” is used to skip backwards to the previous track in the playlist.

Example Output:

Executing the command “audacious –fwd” will skip to the next track in the playlist. Similarly, executing the command “audacious –rew” will skip to the previous track in the playlist.

Use case 5: Stop playback


audacious --stop


The command to stop playback allows users to completely stop the audio playback in Audacious. This is useful when the user wants to stop listening to music altogether.


The command “audacious –stop” is used to stop the audio playback. When executed, it will immediately halt the playback of the current track.

Example Output:

Executing the command “audacious –stop” will immediately stop the playback of the current track in Audacious.

Use case 6: Start a headless version


audacious --headless


Starting a headless version of Audacious is useful when users want to run it in the background without the graphical user interface. This is particularly handy for running Audacious on a server or remotely managing the playback.


The command “audacious –headless” is used to start Audacious in headless mode, which means it will run in the background without displaying the graphical user interface. This enables users to control Audacious using command-line options or remote-management protocols.

Example Output:

Executing the command “audacious –headless” will start a headless version of Audacious that runs in the background without displaying any graphical user interface.

Use case 7: Exit as soon as playback stops or there is nothing to playback


audacious --quit-after-play


Exiting Audacious as soon as playback stops or there is nothing else to playback automates the process of closing the application. This is useful when users want to close Audacious automatically after they have finished listening to music.


The command “audacious –quit-after-play” is used to automatically exit Audacious after playback stops or there are no more tracks left to play. This eliminates the need for users to manually close the application once they are done listening to music.

Example Output:

When executing the command “audacious –quit-after-play” and the music playback ends, Audacious will automatically exit, freeing up system resources.


The “audacious” command is a versatile tool for controlling and managing the playback of audio files using the Audacious audio player. With its various command-line options, users can easily perform actions such as launching the program, adding audio files to the playlist, starting or stopping playback, navigating through tracks, starting a headless version, and automatically exiting the application after playback. By understanding and utilizing these commands, users can enhance their music listening experience with Audacious.

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