How to use the command 'aurvote' (with examples)

How to use the command 'aurvote' (with examples)

The ‘aurvote’ command is used to vote for packages in the Arch User Repository (AUR). The command requires the file ‘~/.config/aurvote’ to exist and contain the AUR credentials (username and password). This command provides a convenient way to interact with the AUR and perform actions such as voting for packages, unvoting packages, checking if packages have been voted, and configuring the AUR credentials.

Use case 1: Interactively create the file ‘~/.config/aurvote’ containing AUR credentials


aurvote --configure

Motivation: The ‘–configure’ option allows users to interactively create the file ‘~/.config/aurvote’ which is used to store the AUR credentials (username and password). This is necessary to be able to vote for packages in the AUR.

Explanation: The ‘–configure’ option triggers the interactive mode of ‘aurvote’ where users are prompted to enter their AUR username and password. After entering the credentials, the ‘aurvote’ command creates the file ‘~/.config/aurvote’ and saves the credentials in it.

Example output:

Enter AUR username: username
Enter AUR password:
Successfully configured AUR credentials. ~/.config/aurvote file created.

Use case 2: Vote for one or more AUR packages


aurvote package1 package2 ...

Motivation: By using the ‘aurvote’ command followed by the names of one or more AUR packages, users can vote for those packages. Voting for packages in the AUR allows users to show their support and contribute to the community-driven repository.

Explanation: When the ‘aurvote’ command is followed by the names of one or more AUR packages, it votes for those packages. The command reads the AUR credentials from the ‘~/.config/aurvote’ file and uses them to authenticate the user.

Example output:

Voted for package1.
Voted for package2.

Use case 3: Unvote one or more AUR packages


aurvote --unvote package1 package2 ...

Motivation: Sometimes users may want to change their vote or remove their vote from previously voted packages. The ‘–unvote’ option allows users to unvote one or more AUR packages that they have previously voted for.

Explanation: The ‘–unvote’ option followed by the names of one or more AUR packages unvotes those packages. The ‘aurvote’ command reads the AUR credentials from the ‘~/.config/aurvote’ file and uses them to authenticate the user.

Example output:

Unvoted for package1.
Unvoted for package2.

Use case 4: Check if one or more AUR packages have already been voted


aurvote --check package1 package2 ...

Motivation: Users may want to check the status of their votes for specific AUR packages. The ‘–check’ option allows users to verify if one or more packages have already been voted.

Explanation: The ‘–check’ option followed by the names of one or more AUR packages checks if those packages have been voted. The ‘aurvote’ command reads the AUR credentials from the ‘~/.config/aurvote’ file and uses them to authenticate the user.

Example output:

package1: Voted
package2: Not voted

Use case 5: Show help for ‘aurvote’


aurvote --help

Motivation: The ‘–help’ option provides users with comprehensive information about the ‘aurvote’ command and its available options. This can be helpful for users who are new to the command or need a quick reference to understand its usage and functionality.

Explanation: The ‘–help’ option triggers the display of detailed help information for the ‘aurvote’ command. It explains the purpose of the command, the required configuration file, and provides details about all the available options.

Example output:

Usage: aurvote [options] [packages]

  --configure            Interactively create the configuration file
  --unvote PACKAGE       Unvote the specified package(s)
  --check PACKAGE        Check if the specified package(s) have been voted
  --help                 Display this help message


The ‘aurvote’ command provides a convenient way to vote for packages in the Arch User Repository (AUR). With options to configure AUR credentials, vote for packages, unvote packages, check the status of votes, and access comprehensive help information, users can efficiently interact with the AUR and contribute to the community-driven repository.

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