Mastering 'autojump': Quickly Navigate Your Filesystem (with examples)

Mastering 'autojump': Quickly Navigate Your Filesystem (with examples)

“Autjump” is a command-line utility designed to streamline navigation through your filesystem, especially among directories you frequently visit. This tool learns your frequently accessed directories and enables quick jumps, saving you valuable time. The concept is simple: as you interact with directories, autojump creates a database which reflects your directory usage pattern. Over time, it becomes a powerful tool for efficient navigation.

Use case 1: Jump to a directory that contains the given pattern


j pattern


The act of manually navigating through directories can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with deeply nested or frequently accessed folders. By using autojump, you can quickly reach any directory containing a specific pattern in its name. This is particularly useful for developers or system administrators who regularly work on multiple projects with deep folder structures. It enhances productivity by reducing the time spent on directory traversal and lets you focus more on your actual tasks.


  • j is the autojump command used to jump to directories.
  • pattern is the substring you expect to find in the directory’s name. Autojump searches its database and suggests the directories based on your usage history.

Example Output:

If you have several project directories such as “project-alpha”, “project-beta”, and “project-gamma”, and you type:

j alpha

Autjump will take you directly to the “project-alpha” directory.

Use case 2: Jump to a sub-directory (child) of the current directory that contains the given pattern


jc pattern


When working within a specific part of your filesystem, sometimes you need to switch between subdirectories within the same parent directory quickly. This use case helps you navigate within the local structure without going back to the base level directories. It’s useful in environments like web projects where specific folders like “css”, “js”, or “img” are frequent navigation targets within multiple projects.


  • jc stands for ‘jump current’, which targets subdirectories under the current working directory.
  • pattern is used to specify part of the name of the sub-directory you want to navigate to.

Example Output:

Assuming you are in the “project” directory, which contains subdirectories “project/css”, “project/js”, and “project/img”, if you use:

jc js

You will be taken directly to the “project/js” directory.

Use case 3: Open a directory that contains the given pattern in the operating system file manager


jo pattern


Sometimes, you may prefer or need to access a directory via the graphical user interface (GUI) rather than the command line. This is particularly useful when you need to visually manage files, use GUI tools, or when you are less accustomed to command-line operations. By using this command, you seamlessly bridge command-line efficiency with GUI convenience.


  • jo is the command used to open directories in the system’s default file manager.
  • pattern refers to any substring within the directory name you wish to open in file manager.

Example Output:


jo documents

Your file manager opens the first matched directory containing “documents” in its path.

Use case 4: Remove non-existing directories from the autojump database


j --purge


Over time, directories that you frequently jump to may get deleted or moved. To maintain an accurate and efficient navigation database, it’s crucial to remove entries that no longer exist. This helps autojump function optimally, preventing errors or inefficiencies when attempting to navigate to non-existent directories.


  • --purge is a flag that tells autojump to remove entries for directories that no longer exist.

Example Output:


j --purge

Results in a clean-up of the autojump database, ensuring all entries correspond to current and accessible directories.

Use case 5: Show the entries in the autojump database


j -s


Understanding which directories are frequently accessed and how they’ve accumulated over time can provide insight into your workflow. This command provides transparency into the autojump database, allowing you to review and, if necessary, manually adjust your navigational shortcuts.


  • -s is a flag to display the current state of the autojump database, showcasing all directory paths and their corresponding weights based on frequency of access.

Example Output:


j -s

Lists all your tracked directories along with their respective frequency weights, giving you a snapshot of your navigation habits.


Autjump empowers users by drastically reducing the time spent navigating complex directory structures. Whether you’re jumping between projects, quickly switching through subdirectories, or accessing directories via the GUI, autojump optimizes the process. Regular maintenance through purging keeps your database clean, while having a view of the entries helps understand and potentially improve your directory usage practices.

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