How to use the command autojump (with examples)

How to use the command autojump (with examples)

Autojump is a command-line tool that allows users to quickly jump among directories they visit frequently. It comes with aliases like j or jc to make navigation even faster and more efficient. It is a convenient way to navigate through directories without having to manually type out the entire path.

Use case 1: Jump to a directory that contains the given pattern


j pattern


The j command is used to quickly jump to a directory that contains the given pattern in its name or path. This is useful when you want to navigate to a specific directory without having to remember the full path. It saves time and effort by eliminating the need to type out the entire directory path.


  • j: This is the command used for jumping to a directory.
  • pattern: The pattern argument is a string that specifies a pattern to match against the directory names. Autojump will search for directories that contain this pattern and then jump to the most frequently visited one that matches.

Example output:

Suppose we have the following directories in our file system:

  • /home/user/Projects/example1
  • /home/user/Projects/example2
  • /home/user/Projects/example3

If we use the command j example, the autojump utility will jump to the directory /home/user/Projects/example1 if it is the most frequently visited directory that matches the pattern example.

Use case 2: Jump to a sub-directory (child) of the current directory that contains the given pattern


jc pattern


The jc command is used to quickly jump to a sub-directory (child) of the current directory that contains the given pattern. This is useful when you want to navigate to a specific sub-directory without having to remember the full path or exit and re-enter the current directory.


  • jc: This is the command used for jumping to a child sub-directory of the current directory.
  • pattern: The pattern argument is a string that specifies a pattern to match against the sub-directory names. Autojump will search for sub-directories that contain this pattern and then jump to the most frequently visited one that matches.

Example output:

Suppose we are currently in the directory /home/user/Projects which contains the following sub-directories:

  • /home/user/Projects/example1
  • /home/user/Projects/example2
  • /home/user/Projects/example3

If we use the command jc example, the autojump utility will jump to the sub-directory /home/user/Projects/example1 if it is the most frequently visited sub-directory that matches the pattern example.

Use case 3: Open a directory that contains the given pattern in the operating system file manager


jo pattern


The jo command is used to quickly open a directory that contains the given pattern in the operating system file manager. This is useful when you want to view or manipulate the contents of a directory using a graphical file manager instead of the command-line interface.


  • jo: This is the command used for opening a directory in the operating system file manager.
  • pattern: The pattern argument is a string that specifies a pattern to match against the directory names. Autojump will search for directories that contain this pattern and then open the most frequently visited one that matches in the file manager.

Example output:

Suppose we have the following directories in our file system:

  • /home/user/Documents/example1
  • /home/user/Downloads/example2
  • /home/user/Desktop/example3

If we use the command jo example, the autojump utility will open the directory /home/user/Documents/example1 if it is the most frequently visited directory that matches the pattern example in the operating system file manager.

Use case 4: Remove non-existing directories from the autojump database


j --purge


The --purge option is used to remove non-existing directories from the autojump database. Over time, directories may be deleted or renamed, but they can still be present in the database. This option helps keep the database up to date and ensures that autojump only jumps to existing directories.


  • j: This is the command used for jumping to a directory.
  • --purge: This option tells autojump to remove directories from the database that no longer exist. It cleans up the database and prevents autojump from jumping to non-existing directories.

Example output:

Suppose we have the following directories in our file system:

  • /home/user/Work/example1
  • /home/user/Projects/example2
  • /home/user/Temp/example3

If we use the command j --purge, autojump will remove any directories from the database that no longer exist. For example, if the directory /home/user/Temp/example3 has been deleted, it will be removed from the autojump database.

Use case 5: Show the entries in the autojump database


j -s


The -s option is used to show the entries in the autojump database. This provides visibility into the directories that autojump has recorded and allows users to review or manage their previously visited directories.


  • j: This is the command used for jumping to a directory.
  • -s: This option tells autojump to display the entries in the database. It lists the directories that autojump has recorded, along with their corresponding ranking and frequency of visits.

Example output:

Suppose the autojump database contains the following entries:

  • /home/user/Documents/example1 (3)
  • /home/user/Projects/example2 (5)
  • /home/user/Downloads/example3 (2)

If we use the command j -s, autojump will display the entries in the database as follows:

1. /home/user/Documents/example1 (3)
2. /home/user/Projects/example2 (5)
3. /home/user/Downloads/example3 (2)

The ranking numbers indicate the frequency of visits, with higher numbers indicating more frequent visits.

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