Using autopkgtest command (with examples)

Using autopkgtest command (with examples)

Case 1: Build the package in the current directory and run all tests directly on the system

autopkgtest -- null


This use case is useful when you want to build and test a package that is located in the current directory. By running all tests directly on the system, you can ensure that the package behaves as expected on the specific system where the tests are executed.


  • --: This option is used to separate the autopkgtest arguments from the package arguments.
  • null: This is a placeholder for the package name, which indicates that the package is located in the current directory.

Example output:

autopkgtest [14:08:10]: Running autopkgtests

This output indicates that the autopkgtest command is running the tests for the package in the current directory.

Case 2: Run a specific test for the package in the current directory

autopkgtest --test-name=test_name -- null


When you have multiple tests for a package, you may want to run only a specific test to focus on a particular aspect of the package. This use case allows you to specify the name of the test you want to run.


  • --test-name=test_name: This option is used to specify the name of the test you want to run.
  • null: This is a placeholder for the package name, which indicates that the package is located in the current directory.

Example output:

autopkgtest [14:14:05]: Running specific test 'test_name'

This output indicates that the autopkgtest command is running the specified test for the package in the current directory.

Case 3: Download and build a specific package with apt-get, then run all tests

autopkgtest package -- null


In some cases, you may want to test a specific package that is not located in the current directory. This use case allows you to download and build the package using apt-get before running all the tests.


  • package: This is the name of the package you want to test.
  • --: This option is used to separate the autopkgtest arguments from the package arguments.
  • null: This is a placeholder, which indicates that the package will be downloaded and built with apt-get before running the tests.

Example output:

autopkgtest [14:18:42]: Downloading and building package 'package' with apt-get
autopkgtest [14:18:50]: Running autopkgtests on package 'package'

This output indicates that the autopkgtest command is downloading, building, and then running the tests on the specified package.

Case 4: Test the package in the current directory using a new root directory

autopkgtest -- chroot path/to/new/root


When testing a package, it’s sometimes necessary to create a new root directory to isolate the test environment from the system. This use case allows you to specify a new root directory where the tests will be executed.


  • --: This option is used to separate the autopkgtest arguments from the package arguments.
  • chroot path/to/new/root: This is the option to specify the path to the new root directory.

Example output:

autopkgtest [14:25:19]: Running autopkgtests in the new root directory path/to/new/root

This output indicates that the autopkgtest command is executing the tests in the specified new root directory.

Case 5: Test the package in the current directory without rebuilding it

autopkgtest --no-built-binaries -- null


In some cases, you may want to test a package without rebuilding it, especially when you have already built the package and want to check its behavior without any changes. This use case allows you to run the tests without rebuilding the binaries.


  • --no-built-binaries: This option is used to skip the rebuilding of the package binaries before running the tests.
  • --: This option is used to separate the autopkgtest arguments from the package arguments.
  • null: This is a placeholder for the package name, which indicates that the package is located in the current directory.

Example output:

autopkgtest [14:31:10]: Running autopkgtests without rebuilding the package binaries

This output indicates that the autopkgtest command is running the tests for the package in the current directory without rebuilding the binaries.


In this article, we have explored different use cases of the autopkgtest command. By understanding the code examples and their respective motivations, explanations, and example outputs, you can effectively utilize this command to build and test Debian packages.

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