How to use the command avbdeviced (with examples)

How to use the command avbdeviced (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The avbdeviced command is a service for managing Audio Video Bridging (AVB) devices. It is not meant to be invoked manually and is typically used by other programs and services for managing AVB devices.

Use case 1: Start the daemon

To start the avbdeviced daemon, simply run the command:


Motivation: The motivation for starting the avbdeviced daemon is to enable the management of AVB devices on a system. By starting the daemon, other programs and services can communicate with avbdeviced to control and configure AVB devices.

Explanation: There are no arguments needed for this use case. Running the avbdeviced command without any arguments starts the daemon process.

Example output:

AVB device management daemon started


The avbdeviced command is used to start the AVB device management daemon. This daemon is responsible for managing AVB devices on a system and should not be invoked manually. Other programs and services can communicate with avbdeviced to control and configure AVB devices.

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