How to use the command 'avo' (with examples)

How to use the command 'avo' (with examples)

The ‘avo’ command is the official command-line interface for Avo, a platform for managing analytics implementation. It provides various features and functionalities to facilitate the implementation of analytics in your project.

Use case 1: Initialize a workspace in the current directory


avo init

Motivation: This command is used to initialize a workspace in the current directory. When you start a new project or want to add Avo to an existing project, you need to initialize a workspace.

Explanation: The ‘avo init’ command creates a new Avo workspace in the current directory. It sets up the necessary files and folders for managing your analytics implementation.

Example output:

Initialized Avo workspace successfully.

Use case 2: Log into the Avo platform


avo login

Motivation: To access and manage your Avo projects, you need to log into the Avo platform. This command allows you to authenticate yourself and establish a session with the Avo platform.

Explanation: The ‘avo login’ command prompts you to enter your Avo credentials (email and password) and authenticates you with the Avo platform. Once logged in, you can perform various operations on your Avo projects.

Example output:

Logged in successfully.

Use case 3: Switch to an existing Avo branch


avo checkout branch_name

Motivation: If you are working with multiple branches in your Avo project, you may need to switch to a specific branch to make changes or view its implementation.

Explanation: The ‘avo checkout’ command is used to switch to an existing branch in your Avo project. You need to provide the name of the branch you want to switch to as the argument ‘branch_name’.

Example output:

Switched to branch 'feature/analytics'.

Use case 4: Pull analytics wrappers for the current path


avo pull

Motivation: Analytics wrappers are code snippets that collect and send data to the Avo platform. Pulling the analytics wrappers ensures that you have the latest versions of the wrappers for the current path.

Explanation: The ‘avo pull’ command retrieves the latest analytics wrappers for the current path in your Avo project. It ensures that you are using the most up-to-date versions of the wrappers.

Example output:

Pulled analytics wrappers successfully.

Use case 5: Display the status of the Avo implementation


avo status

Motivation: Tracking the status of your Avo implementation helps you monitor the progress and identify any pending modifications or issues.

Explanation: The ‘avo status’ command displays the status of the Avo implementation in your project. It shows the number of modified, added, and deleted analytics events, properties, and screens.

Example output:

Modified: 3 events, 1 property
Added: 2 events, 4 properties, 1 screen
Deleted: 1 event, 2 screens

Use case 6: Resolve Git conflicts in Avo files


avo conflict

Motivation: When working in a team setting, conflicts can occur when multiple team members modify the same Avo files simultaneously. Resolving these conflicts is necessary to ensure the smooth functioning of the Avo implementation.

Explanation: The ‘avo conflict’ command helps in resolving Git conflicts that may arise in the Avo files. It provides a guided prompt that assists you in resolving the conflicts and updating the affected files.

Example output:

Resolved conflicts in 'avowrappers.js' successfully.

Use case 7: Open the current Avo workspace in the default web browser


avo edit

Motivation: Opening the current Avo workspace in the default web browser allows you to access and modify your Avo projects using the graphical user interface provided by the Avo platform.

Explanation: The ‘avo edit’ command opens the current Avo workspace in the default web browser. It automatically launches the Avo web application and directs you to the dashboard where you can view and edit your Avo projects.

Example output: N/A (opens the Avo web application in the default web browser)

Use case 8: Display help for a subcommand


avo subcommand --help

Motivation: When you need more information about a specific subcommand of the ‘avo’ command, you can use this option to display the help documentation.

Explanation: The ‘–help’ option when used with a specific subcommand, such as ‘avo init –help’, provides detailed information about that particular subcommand. It explains the purpose, usage, and available options of the subcommand.

Example output:

Usage: avo init [options]

Initialize a new Avo workspace in the current directory.

  -f, --force    Force initialization even if directory is not empty
  --appName <name>  Name of the Avo application
  --organizationkey <key>  Organization key for the Avo application
  -h, --help     display help for command


The ‘avo’ command-line interface provides essential functionalities for managing analytics implementation using Avo. By incorporating these use cases, developers can easily set up workspaces, authenticate with the Avo platform, switch branches, update analytics wrappers, track implementation status, resolve conflicts, access the Avo web application, and get help for specific subcommands. These capabilities enable efficient and effective analytics implementation in projects.

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