Harnessing the Power of AWS Cloud9 (with examples)

Harnessing the Power of AWS Cloud9 (with examples)

AWS Cloud9 is an integrated development environment (IDE) that allows developers to write, execute, and debug code using just a web browser. It offers a multitude of tools that facilitate software development in the cloud, without the need for setting up your own development machine. This capability not only streamlines workflows but also fosters collaborative development environments. Using the command line interface (CLI) to manage AWS Cloud9 environments efficiently is a powerful way to leverage its resources. Here, we explore various use cases for managing AWS Cloud9 using the AWS CLI.

Use case 1: Listing All Cloud9 Development Environment Identifiers


aws cloud9 list-environments


Listing all available Cloud9 environments is essential for developers who manage multiple projects. By retrieving this list, developers can quickly see all the environments they have access to, facilitating easier transitions between projects and better resource management.


  • aws cloud9 list-environments: This command initiates a request to AWS to list identifiers for all Cloud9 environments you have access to. The identifiers are unique strings that represent each environment.

Example Output:

  "environmentIds": [

Use case 2: Creating a Cloud9 Development Environment


aws cloud9 create-environment-ec2 --name MyCloud9Environment --instance-type t2.micro


Creating a Cloud9 environment is crucial for setting up a new development workspace. It allows developers to quickly spin up resources that include everything needed for coding, debugging, and testing applications in a cloud-based setting.


  • aws cloud9 create-environment-ec2: This command initializes the creation of a new Cloud9 environment that runs on an Amazon EC2 instance.
  • --name MyCloud9Environment: Specifies the name you wish to assign to the new environment, which makes it easier to identify among others.
  • --instance-type t2.micro: Defines the type of EC2 instance to be used for the environment. The t2.micro is a cost-effective choice suitable for light workloads.

Example Output:

  "environmentId": "env-1a2b3c4d",
  "name": "MyCloud9Environment",
  "type": "ec2",
  "description": "",
  "ownerArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/YourName"

Use case 3: Displaying Information About Cloud9 Development Environments


aws cloud9 describe-environments --environment-ids env-1a2b3c4d


Obtaining detailed information about a specific Cloud9 environment is helpful for understanding its configuration, including environment type, description, and owner details. This information assists in managing environments efficiently and provides insight for making necessary modifications.


  • aws cloud9 describe-environments: This command is used to request details about one or more Cloud9 environments.
  • --environment-ids env-1a2b3c4d: Lists the unique identifier(s) for the environments you wish to describe. It can handle multiple IDs if you need information on several environments at once.

Example Output:

  "environments": [
      "id": "env-1a2b3c4d",
      "name": "MyCloud9Environment",
      "type": "ec2",
      "arn": "arn:aws:cloud9:us-west-2:123456789012:environment:env-1a2b3c4d"

Use case 4: Adding an Environment Member to a Cloud9 Development Environment


aws cloud9 create-environment-membership --environment-id env-1a2b3c4d --user-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Collaborator --permissions read-write


Enabling collaboration in a development environment improves productivity and idea exchange. Adding environment members allows multiple developers to work on the same codebase, with defined permissions to maintain security and workflow efficiency.


  • aws cloud9 create-environment-membership: This command adds a user to a specified Cloud9 environment.
  • --environment-id env-1a2b3c4d: Specifies the unique identifier of the environment to which you are adding the member.
  • --user-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Collaborator: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user being added, ensuring you’re granting access to the correct person.
  • --permissions read-write: Designates the level of access the new user will have, allowing alterations to the project’s code.

Example Output:

  "membership": {
    "userArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Collaborator",
    "environmentId": "env-1a2b3c4d",
    "permissions": "read-write"

Use case 5: Displaying Status Information for a Cloud9 Development Environment


aws cloud9 describe-environment-status --environment-id env-1a2b3c4d


Monitoring the status of your Cloud9 environments helps ensure system health and availability. With status information, you can determine whether the environment is ready, stopped, or encountered any issues, allowing for proactive management and troubleshooting.


  • aws cloud9 describe-environment-status: This command retrieves the current status of the specified Cloud9 environment.
  • --environment-id env-1a2b3c4d: Identifies which environment’s status should be checked using its unique ID.

Example Output:

  "status": "ready",
  "message": "Environment is ready to use."

Use case 6: Deleting a Cloud9 Environment


aws cloud9 delete-environment --environment-id env-1a2b3c4d


Deleting unused or outdated environments can help save costs and streamline your resource management. Once a project is completed or no longer needed, removing its environment prevents unnecessary consumption of your AWS resources.


  • aws cloud9 delete-environment: This command initiates the deletion process of a Cloud9 environment.
  • --environment-id env-1a2b3c4d: Provides the unique identifier of the environment you want to delete, ensuring you remove the correct resource.

Example Output:

No output is returned for this command if it is successful. You may verify deletion by attempting to list environments again.

Use case 7: Deleting an Environment Member from a Development Environment


aws cloud9 delete-environment-membership --environment-id env-1a2b3c4d --user-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Collaborator


Removing a user from a Cloud9 environment is necessary when collaborators leave a project or no longer require access. This action maintains security by ensuring only authorized personnel can access sensitive codebases.


  • aws cloud9 delete-environment-membership: Executes the removal of a member from a Cloud9 environment.
  • --environment-id env-1a2b3c4d: Identifies which environment is having a member removed.
  • --user-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Collaborator: Specifies the ARN of the user being removed, ensuring accurate and intentional access revocation.

Example Output:

If successful, this command does not return an output. Verify the removal by checking the environment’s existing memberships.


AWS Cloud9, when managed through the AWS CLI, offers robust functionality for anyone looking to develop software in a collaborative, cloud-based setting. Each use case described here provides essential capabilities for managing development environments, enhancing collaboration, optimizing resource use, and maintaining security. Whether you are listing, creating, managing, or deleting environments and memberships, these commands empower you to take full control over your cloud development spaces.

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