How to use the command 'aws codecommit' (with examples)

How to use the command 'aws codecommit' (with examples)

AWS CodeCommit is a fully managed source control service for hosting secure and scalable private Git repositories. This service allows developers to store, manage, and control their application’s source code using AWS’s infrastructure. CodeCommit enables teams to collaborate efficiently by providing a centralized location for source code, and it supports the traditional Git commands that developers use with their own local repositories. More usage details can be found at the AWS CodeCommit documentation .

Use case 1: Display help


aws codecommit help


When you are new to AWS CodeCommit or simply need a refresher on what commands are available, asking for help is the first logical step. Running aws codecommit help provides you with a comprehensive overview of all available commands and options within the AWS CodeCommit service. Whether you’re a novice user or experienced developer looking to explore deeper functionalities, this command helps clarify what you can do with the AWS CodeCommit CLI.


  • aws: Refers to the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), a unified tool to manage AWS services.
  • codecommit: Indicates the specific AWS service you are interacting with—here, it is the AWS CodeCommit.
  • help: A command argument used across many CLI applications to display detailed help information when specified after a command or service name.

Example output:

The output will display a list of available commands, descriptions of what they do, and general syntax. It will also provide insight into possible global parameters that might be relevant for more specific use cases.

    aws [options] <command> <subcommand> [parameters]
    CodeCommit is a patchable, managed source control service that hosts private Git repositories....


Use case 2: Display help for a specific command


aws codecommit create-repository help


Sometimes you’ll need information on a particular command, such as create-repository, to effectively perform a task. Obtaining command-specific help gives you detailed insights on the command’s syntax, required and optional parameters, and usage examples. This ensures you understand the command thoroughly before executing it, reducing the likelihood of mistakes and ensuring your command does exactly what you intend it to do.


  • aws: The CLI indicator that signifies you are using AWS’s command line tool.
  • codecommit: Specifies the AWS service you want to interact with, which in this case is CodeCommit.
  • create-repository: This is a subcommand under CodeCommit that is used to create a new repository. When paired with help, it brings up documentation specifically for this action.
  • help: A command argument used here to display detailed help information about the create-repository command, giving you access to syntax rules, options, and examples.

Example output:

The output will provide detailed information about usage, syntax, and options for the create-repository command.


        --repository-name <value>
        [--repository-description <value>]
        [--tags <value>]
        [--cli-input-json <value>]

    Creates a new, empty repository.

    --repository-name (string)
        The name of the new repository to be created.


The AWS CodeCommit CLI offers a wide range of commands to interact with your Git repositories, providing flexibility and control over your source code. Using the help feature effectively allows users to gain an understanding of the available commands and their specific functionalities. Whether you are dealing with general service queries or looking for precise command parameters, these tools can be invaluable for both learning and productivity. By exploring these commands, developers can streamline their workflows and ensure they utilize AWS CodeCommit to its full potential.

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