How to Use the Command 'aws cognito-idp' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'aws cognito-idp' (with Examples)

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) provides direct access to Amazon Web Services’ various functionalities, allowing users to automate tasks and manage AWS services efficiently. Among these services, Amazon Cognito offers solutions for user sign-up, sign-in, and access control, making the management of user identities more streamlined. The aws cognito-idp command in particular focuses on interacting with Identity Pools (Cognito User Pools), allowing users to create and manage pools, users, and groups. This article demonstrates different use cases with example commands, explaining each of them for better clarity.

Use Case 1: Create a New Cognito User Pool


aws cognito-idp create-user-pool --pool-name MyNewUserPool


Creating a user pool is typically the first step when integrating authentication and user management in an application. User pools in Amazon Cognito are required to manage and authenticate users. They serve as a secure database for storing users’ credentials and other necessary details.


  • aws cognito-idp: Refers to the AWS CLI command dealing with Cognito Identity Pools.
  • create-user-pool: The specific action command that creates a new user pool.
  • --pool-name MyNewUserPool: Specifies the name of the user pool you wish to create, making it identifiable and easier to reference in future operations.

Example Output:

Upon successful execution, the command should provide details of the newly created user pool, such as its ID and configuration settings.

  "UserPool": {
    "Id": "us-west-2_aBc12345",
    "Name": "MyNewUserPool",
    "Status": "Enabled"

Use Case 2: List All User Pools


aws cognito-idp list-user-pools --max-results 10


Listing all user pools can be particularly useful for administrators who manage multiple applications or services using Amazon Cognito. This command helps in keeping track of existing user pools, their IDs, and names, thereby aiding in administrative tasks and audits.


  • list-user-pools: This sub-command retrieves a list of user pools under the current AWS account.
  • --max-results 10: Defines the maximum number of user pools to display in the output. This can help in paginating results and viewing manageable chunks at a time.

Example Output:

The output lists user pools within the specified limit, showing their identifiers and names.

  "UserPools": [
      "Id": "us-west-2_aBc12345",
      "Name": "MyFirstUserPool"
      "Id": "us-west-2_dEf67890",
      "Name": "MyNewUserPool"
    // Further entries up to the specified maximum

Use Case 3: Delete a Specific User Pool


aws cognito-idp delete-user-pool --user-pool-id us-west-2_aBc12345


At times, a user pool may be obsolete, or an application might be retired, necessitating the deletion of the associated user pool. Deleting user pools also ensures data security and cost management by removing unnecessary resources from your AWS account.


  • delete-user-pool: This command removes the specified user pool entirely.
  • --user-pool-id us-west-2_aBc12345: The ID of the user pool to be deleted. It’s crucial to use the correct ID to avoid unintentional data loss.

Example Output:

Once executed, this command does not return a detailed output, reflecting only the completion of the action, typically an empty response.


Use Case 4: Create a User in a Specific Pool


aws cognito-idp admin-create-user --username johndoe --user-pool-id us-west-2_aBc12345


Creating user profiles is essential for client-facing applications that require user authentication. This command is particularly useful for administrators needing to generate accounts for users who are pre-registered or need managed access.


  • admin-create-user: Initiates the creation of a new user account within the specified pool.
  • --username johndoe: The desired username for the user being created.
  • --user-pool-id us-west-2_aBc12345: Identifies the pool where the user should be created.

Example Output:

On executing the command, you’ll receive details of the newly created user, including attributes and default settings.

  "User": {
    "Username": "johndoe",
    "UserCreateDate": "2023-10-01T12:34:56Z",
    "UserStatus": "FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD",
    "UserAttributes": []

Use Case 5: List the Users of a Specific Pool


aws cognito-idp list-users --user-pool-id us-west-2_aBc12345


Administrators often need to view current users within a pool to manage user data and credentials actively. Listing users provides a snapshot of active users and any pending statuses.


  • list-users: This command retrieves a list of user profiles within the specified pool.
  • --user-pool-id us-west-2_aBc12345: Indicates which pool’s user details should be fetched.

Example Output:

The command’s output will show user details like usernames, their statuses, and creation dates.

  "Users": [
      "Username": "johndoe",
      "UserStatus": "CONFIRMED",
      "UserCreateDate": "2023-10-01T12:34:56Z"
    // Additional users as applicable

Use Case 6: Delete a User from a Specific Pool


aws cognito-idp admin-delete-user --username johndoe --user-pool-id us-west-2_aBc12345


Deleting a user from the pool may be necessary for reasons such as breach of terms, security vulnerabilities, or simply housekeeping. Ensuring that only relevant and legitimate users exist within the pool is crucial for maintaining security and integrity.


  • admin-delete-user: Performs the deletion of a user profile from the designated pool.
  • --username johndoe: Specifies the username of the user to be removed.
  • --user-pool-id us-west-2_aBc12345: Directs the command to the correct user pool for deletion.

Example Output:

Upon successful execution, the output of this command will be minimal, often resulting in an empty response message, indicating that the user has been successfully deleted.



The aws cognito-idp command provides powerful capabilities for managing user pools and users within Amazon Cognito, enabling efficient user authentication management directly from the AWS CLI. The examples provided in this article cover crucial operations like creating, listing, and deleting user pools and users, which are foundational for user management tasks across various applications. Understanding these operations allows administrators to better utilize Amazon Cognito’s functionalities, ensuring secure and effective identity management.

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