Exploring the AWS CLI Capabilities (with examples)

Exploring the AWS CLI Capabilities (with examples)

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful tool provided by Amazon Web Services that enables users to manage AWS services through commands in their terminal. This tool simplifies various tasks like configuring settings, monitoring resources, or managing services, boosting productivity through automation and scripting. AWS CLI offers a range of commands and options to suit practically any AWS management scenario. Below, we explore some concrete use cases of the AWS CLI with examples to better illustrate its capabilities.

Using the AWS configure wizard


aws configure wizard


If you are setting up the AWS CLI for the first time or need to modify configurations, the configure wizard is an excellent way to streamline the process. It guides you through a step-by-step setup to ensure you configure the CLI with the correct configurations like access keys, region, and output format.


  • aws: Invokes the AWS CLI tool.
  • configure: This subcommand manages the configuration settings for the AWS CLI.
  • wizard: This option launches an interactive guide that helps users through the required CLI setup steps.

Example Output:

The output is a series of prompts requesting information such as AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Access Key, Default region name, and Default output format.

Using AWS CLI with Single Sign-On (SSO)


aws configure sso


For users who leverage AWS Single Sign-On to access multiple AWS accounts or roles, configuring the AWS CLI with SSO streamlines access without needing to manage AWS access keys. This enhances security and simplifies user management.


  • aws: Calls the AWS CLI.
  • configure: Manages configuration settings.
  • sso: Directs the command to set up the CLI with AWS SSO, facilitating seamless authentication and access.

Example Output:

Output involves a series of prompts to enter SSO-related information, like the SSO start URL and account or role selection, ensuring correct authentication setup.

Checking Caller Identity for Troubleshooting


aws sts get-caller-identity


Understanding which AWS credentials or identity is being used at any given time is crucial for debugging or designing permission-based processes. This command helps in identifying the IAM User or Role currently authenticated in the CLI.


  • aws: Refers to the AWS CLI.
  • sts: Security Token Service, deals with security-related tasks.
  • get-caller-identity: A method to return the AWS account and IAM user or role from which calls are made.

Example Output:

Displays details such as UserId, Account, and Arn (Amazon Resource Name), each representing components of the current identity context.

Listing DynamoDB Tables in YAML Format


aws dynamodb list-tables --region us-east-1 --output yaml


AWS resources can be plentiful, so knowing how to list them effectively is key for management. Listing DynamoDB tables in a specific region and seeing results in YAML format can be useful for users who prefer this format for human-readable configuration.


  • aws: Invokes the AWS CLI command.
  • dynamodb: Specifies the AWS service, in this case, Amazon DynamoDB.
  • list-tables: The action to list all DynamoDB tables.
  • --region us-east-1: Sets the AWS region to execute the command.
  • --output yaml: Sets the output format to YAML, known for readability.

Example Output:

The output lists the names of DynamoDB tables located within the us-east-1 region in YAML format, providing a structured and readable view of your tables.

Using Auto Prompt for Help With Commands


aws iam create-user --cli-auto-prompt


For users new to AWS CLI or specific commands, the --cli-auto-prompt provides an interactive, step-by-step help, reducing the learning curve and potential errors in your command execution.


  • aws: The main command to invoke AWS CLI.
  • iam: Refers to AWS Identity and Access Management service.
  • create-user: The operation to create a new IAM user.
  • --cli-auto-prompt: Engages an auto-prompt to guide through required and optional parameters for the command.

Example Output:

Initiates an interactive session requesting inputs for user details needed to create an IAM user, until all required parameters are fulfilled.

Creating AWS Resources with Interactive Wizard


aws dynamodb wizard new_table


To simplify creating complex AWS resources, such as a fully-fledged DynamoDB table, AWS CLI provides wizards. These interactive tools are ideal for users who require help configuring resources without missing any crucial step.


  • aws: Calls the AWS CLI.
  • dynamodb: Targets the DynamoDB service.
  • wizard: Launches a guided setup for resources.
  • new_table: Specifies a new DynamoDB table setup through a wizard.

Example Output:

Guides you through a series of configurations necessary for a new DynamoDB table setup, including table attributes, key schema, and provisioned throughput.

Generating JSON CLI Skeleton for Infrastructure as Code


aws dynamodb update-table --generate-cli-skeleton


Creating Infrastructure as Code scripts manually can be error-prone. By generating a JSON CLI skeleton, developers get a base structure to fill out correct parameters, reducing the risk of structuring errors in configurations.


  • aws: Starts the AWS CLI command.
  • dynamodb: Selects the DynamoDB service.
  • update-table: Indicates a table modification operation.
  • --generate-cli-skeleton: Requests a JSON skeleton that outlines the parameter structure needed.

Example Output:

Generates a JSON template representing all parameters and structures needed for the update-table command, ready to be filled with proper values.

Displaying Command Help in AWS CLI


aws command help


AWS boasts a plethora of commands and parameters, which can be overwhelming. The help feature provides instant insights into any command’s syntax and options, ensuring users can discover needed functions without external resources.


  • aws: Initiates the AWS CLI.
  • command: Placeholder to be replaced by any actual AWS CLI subcommand.
  • help: Provides detailed information about the command, including usage, available parameters, and examples.

Example Output:

A comprehensive guide that includes a description of the command, along with supported options and example commands, designed to aid users in understanding and using the command effectively.


The AWS CLI is a versatile tool that, when used effectively, offers a streamlined and efficient way to interact with AWS services. From configuration and management to troubleshooting and automation, the AWS CLI covers a vast range of functionalities that facilitate seamless operations in the AWS ecosystem. Understanding these use cases helps users harness the full potential of AWS services, optimizing workflow and enhancing productivity.

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