How to Use the Command 'aws configure' (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'aws configure' (with examples)

The aws configure command is a crucial part of working with the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). This command helps users manage their AWS credentials and configuration settings, such as access keys, region defaults, and output formats. Proper configuration is essential for seamless interactions with AWS services, ensuring that the CLI has the necessary permissions and settings to execute commands efficiently and accurately. Whether you are a new user setting up your AWS CLI for the first time or an experienced user managing multiple profiles, understanding the uses of aws configure is vital for productive AWS operations.

Configure AWS CLI Interactively (Creates a new configuration or updates the default)


aws configure


This use case is for users who want to set up or update their default AWS CLI configuration interactively. When using the AWS CLI, you must specify your access credentials, the default region, and output format. This command simplifies the process by providing an interactive prompt for each configuration parameter, making it user-friendly and intuitive, especially for those configuring the CLI for the first time.


  • aws configure: This initiates the interactive configuration setup. The command will sequentially prompt for AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Access Key, Default region name, and Default output format.

Example Output:

The output after running this command would involve interactive prompts such as:

AWS Secret Access Key [None]: YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
Default region name [None]: YOUR_PREFERRED_REGION
Default output format [None]: json

Configure a Named Profile for AWS CLI Interactively (Creates a new profile or updates an existing one)


aws configure --profile profile_name


AWS users often manage multiple roles or accounts, requiring separate configurations. This use case helps in setting up or modifying a specific named profile, making it convenient to switch between accounts within the CLI. This is particularly useful for developers and administrators who must work with different AWS environments, such as development, testing, and production.


  • aws configure: Starts the configuration setup process.
  • --profile profile_name: Specifies that the configuration settings should be associated with the given profile_name. If the profile does not exist, it creates a new one; if it does, it updates the existing settings.

Example Output:

The output will prompt for the profile-specific settings:

AWS Secret Access Key [None]: YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
Default region name [None]: YOUR_PREFERRED_REGION
Default output format [None]: json

Display the Value from a Specific Configuration Variable


aws configure get name


Sometimes users may need to verify their current configuration settings to ensure that the CLI is correctly set up or to debug issues. This command allows you to retrieve the value of a specific configuration variable, providing transparency and control over your configuration environment.


  • aws configure get: Invokes the command to fetch a configuration variable.
  • name: Denotes the specific configuration variable you want to retrieve the value for, such as region or output.

Example Output:

For a command like aws configure get region, the output might look like:


Display the Value for a Configuration Variable in a Specific Profile


aws configure get name --profile profile_name


This is crucial for users managing multiple profiles, as it allows them to verify settings specific to a particular profile. This can be particularly handy when managing different AWS accounts or environments, ensuring each profile has the correct configuration.


  • aws configure get name: Initiates the retrieval of a specific configuration variable.
  • --profile profile_name: Specifies the profile from which the configuration variable value should be retrieved.

Example Output:

For a command like aws configure get region --profile development, the output might look like:


Set the Value of a Specific Configuration Variable


aws configure set name value


This use case is beneficial when there’s a need to update a single configuration variable without stepping through the entire interactive configuration process. This provides a direct approach to modify settings swiftly, such as changing the default output format or region.


  • aws configure set: Initiates the process to set a specific configuration variable.
  • name value: Specifies the configuration variable name and the new value you want to assign to it.

Example Output:

When executing a command like aws configure set region eu-central-1, there’s no direct output, but the configuration file will be updated accordingly.

Set the Value of a Configuration Variable in a Specific Profile


aws configure set name value --profile profile_name


This scenario is ideal for users needing to adjust settings specific to one of their profiles without affecting others. It allows precision in configuration management across different AWS accounts or environments, providing flexibility in maintaining distinct settings for different operations.


  • aws configure set name value: Sets the specified name of a configuration variable to a new value.
  • --profile profile_name: Indicates that this setting should only apply to the specified profile.

Example Output:

Again, there’s no direct output from this command. After executing aws configure set output text --profile staging, the configuration will be silently updated in the specified profile.

List the Configuration Entries


aws configure list


Understanding the current configuration state is necessary for effective AWS CLI management. This command offers a comprehensive overview of all the AWS CLI settings, allowing users to cross-verify their active configurations effortlessly and address any inconsistencies promptly.


  • aws configure list: Lists all the configuration variables currently set for the default profile, including information such as access keys, region, profile name, and the configuration location.

Example Output:

The command would output something like:

      Name                    Value             Type    Location
      ----                    -----             ----    --------
   profile                <not set>                       None
access_key     ****************FGHI                     config
secret_key     ****************JKLM                     config
    region                us-west-2              config_file

List the Configuration Entries for a Specific Profile


aws configure list --profile profile_name


For users managing multiple profiles, it is crucial to list and understand the specific settings tied to each profile. This helps ensure that each environment has its appropriate configurations, aiding in debugging, auditing, and compliance tasks.


  • aws configure list: Starts the listing of configuration variables.
  • --profile profile_name: Ensures the listing pertains only to the specified profile_name.

Example Output:

For a profile named production, the command may yield an output like:

      Name                    Value             Type    Location
      ----                    -----             ----    --------
   profile              production                     --profile
access_key     ****************ZXNM                     config_file
secret_key     ****************QRST                     config_file
    region                eu-west-1              config_file


The aws configure command is an indispensable tool in the suite of AWS CLI commands. It simplifies setting up and managing configuration files, essential for efficient and effective interactions with AWS services. Understanding the various use cases of this command empowers users to customize their AWS environments, manage multiple profiles seamlessly, and maintain precise control over their configuration settings for optimal cloud operations.

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