AWS CLI Help Command (with examples)

AWS CLI Help Command (with examples)


The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services. It provides a command-line interface for interacting with AWS resources, allowing you to automate tasks and create scripts. The aws help command is used to display help information about the AWS CLI, including a list of available commands, options, and example usage.

Getting Started

To use the AWS CLI, you need to have it installed on your system and configured with your AWS credentials. Once installed, you can run the command aws help to access the help documentation.

1. Display Help

The aws help command without any additional arguments will display general help information about the AWS CLI.


aws help


This command is useful when you want to get a quick overview of the AWS CLI and its available commands.

Example Output:

AWS Command Line Interface

2. List Available Topics

The aws help topics command lists all available topics for the help command, which includes a list of available commands, concepts, and reference materials.


aws help topics


This command is useful when you want to explore the available topics and locate specific help information or documentation.

Example Output:

available topics:
  *   getting started
  *   installing-alternative-instances
  *   installing-using-pip
  *   use-examples
  *   eip
  *   s3up

3. Help About a Specific Topic

The aws help command followed by a specific topic_name will display help information about that particular topic.


aws help topic_name


This command is useful when you want to get detailed information about a specific topic, such as a particular AWS service or command.

Example Output:

TOPIC: s3up (1 of 5)                                                                                                                                                  
        s3up - Upload a file or directory to S3.                                                            
        This command uploads a file or directory to an Amazon S3 bucket.                                    
          aws s3up <file-or-dir> <s3-uri> [options]                                                        
            The file or directory to upload.                                                                
            The S3 URI of the destination file or folder.                                                   
          --acl <value>                                                                                    
              The canned ACL to apply to the uploaded object(s).                                            
              Possible values:                                                                             
              Default: None      


The aws help command is a helpful tool to access documentation and get information about the AWS CLI. It allows you to quickly find available commands, list available topics, and get detailed help about specific topics. By using these commands effectively, you can make the most out of the AWS CLI and manage your AWS resources efficiently.

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