AWS SES Command Examples (with examples)

AWS SES Command Examples (with examples)

AWS Simple Email Service (SES) is a high-scale inbound and outbound cloud email service provided by Amazon Web Services. In this article, we will explore eight different use cases of the aws ses command, along with code examples for each use case.

Use Case 1: Create a new receipt rule set

To create a new receipt rule set, you can use the create-receipt-rule-set command. Here is an example of how to use this command:

aws ses create-receipt-rule-set --rule-set-name rule_set_name --generate-cli-skeleton
  • --rule-set-name (required): The name of the receipt rule set you want to create.
  • --generate-cli-skeleton: This option generates a skeleton JSON file for you to fill in with the corresponding values.

Example output:

    "RuleSetName": "rule_set_name"

Motivation: This command is useful when you want to create a new receipt rule set in AWS SES. A receipt rule set allows you to define rules for handling incoming emails.

Use Case 2: Describe the active receipt rule set

To describe the active receipt rule set, you can use the describe-active-receipt-rule-set command. Here is an example of how to use this command:

aws ses describe-active-receipt-rule-set --generate-cli-skeleton
  • --generate-cli-skeleton: This option generates a skeleton JSON file for you to fill in with the corresponding values.

Example output:

    "RuleSetName": ""

Motivation: This command allows you to retrieve information about the currently active receipt rule set in AWS SES. It can be helpful when you need to verify or modify the existing receipt rule set.

Use Case 3: Describe a specific receipt rule

To describe a specific receipt rule within a receipt rule set, you can use the describe-receipt-rule command. Here is an example of how to use this command:

aws ses describe-receipt-rule --rule-set-name rule_set_name --rule-name rule_name --generate-cli-skeleton
  • --rule-set-name (required): The name of the receipt rule set that contains the rule.
  • --rule-name (required): The name of the receipt rule you want to describe.
  • --generate-cli-skeleton: This option generates a skeleton JSON file for you to fill in with the corresponding values.

Example output:

    "RuleSetName": "rule_set_name",
    "RuleName": "rule_name"

Motivation: This command allows you to get detailed information about a specific receipt rule within a receipt rule set. It can be useful when you want to understand how a particular rule is configured or to troubleshoot rule-related issues.

Use Case 4: List all receipt rule sets

To list all receipt rule sets in AWS SES, you can use the list-receipt-rule-sets command. Here is an example of how to use this command:

aws ses list-receipt-rule-sets --starting-token token_string --max-items integer --generate-cli-skeleton
  • --starting-token: The token to specify where to start the list. Use the NextToken value from a previous call to paginate the output.
  • --max-items: The maximum number of receipt rule sets you want to list.
  • --generate-cli-skeleton: This option generates a skeleton JSON file for you to fill in with the corresponding values.

Example output:

    "RuleSetName": "rule_set_name",
    "NextToken": "token_string"

Motivation: This command allows you to retrieve a list of all receipt rule sets in AWS SES. It can be useful when you want to view and manage all the rule sets associated with your account.

Use Case 5: Delete a specific receipt rule set

To delete a specific receipt rule set in AWS SES, you can use the delete-receipt-rule-set command. Here is an example of how to use this command:

aws ses delete-receipt-rule-set --rule-set-name rule_set_name --generate-cli-skeleton
  • --rule-set-name (required): The name of the receipt rule set you want to delete.
  • --generate-cli-skeleton: This option generates a skeleton JSON file for you to fill in with the corresponding values.

Example output:

    "RuleSetName": "rule_set_name"

Motivation: This command allows you to delete a specific receipt rule set in AWS SES. It is useful when you no longer need a particular rule set or want to clean up unnecessary rule sets.

Use Case 6: Delete a specific receipt rule

To delete a specific receipt rule within a receipt rule set, you can use the delete-receipt-rule command. Here is an example of how to use this command:

aws ses delete-receipt-rule --rule-set-name rule_set_name --rule-name rule_name --generate-cli-skeleton
  • --rule-set-name (required): The name of the receipt rule set that contains the rule.
  • --rule-name (required): The name of the receipt rule you want to delete.
  • --generate-cli-skeleton: This option generates a skeleton JSON file for you to fill in with the corresponding values.

Example output:

    "RuleSetName": "rule_set_name",
    "RuleName": "rule_name"

Motivation: This command allows you to delete a specific receipt rule within a receipt rule set. It can be useful when you want to remove a rule that is no longer needed or to clean up unnecessary rules.

Use Case 7: Send an email

To send an email using AWS SES, you can use the send-email command. Here is an example of how to use this command:

aws ses send-email --from from_address --destination "ToAddresses=email_address" --message "Subject={Data=subject_text,Charset=utf8},Body={Text={Data=body_text,Charset=utf8},Html={Data=message_body_html,Charset=utf8}}"
  • --from (required): The email address from which to send the email.
  • --destination (required): The destination for the email, including one or more email addresses.
  • --message (required): The message to be sent, including the subject and body. The subject and body can be specified as text or HTML.

Example output: The command does not provide any output. If successful, the email will be sent to the specified email address(es).

Motivation: This command is useful when you want to send emails programmatically using AWS SES. It allows you to specify the sender, recipient(s), subject, and body of the email.

Use Case 8: Show help for a specific SES subcommand

To get help for a specific SES subcommand, you can use the {{subcommand}} help command. Here is an example:

aws ses {{subcommand}} help

Example output: Help documentation specific to the chosen subcommand will be displayed, providing information on the subcommand’s usage, available options, and examples.

Motivation: This command is useful when you need detailed information and examples for a specific SES subcommand. It allows you to understand how to use the subcommand properly and leverage its functionalities effectively.

In this guide, we have covered eight different use cases of the aws ses command, providing code examples for each use case. By using these commands, you can create and manage receipt rule sets, describe and delete rules, list rule sets, and send emails using AWS SES.

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