AWS SQS: 8 Essential Use Cases (with examples)

AWS SQS: 8 Essential Use Cases (with examples)

Use Case 1: List all available queues


aws sqs list-queues

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you need to retrieve a list of all available queues in your AWS SQS service. It allows you to quickly check the existing queues and obtain their URLs for further operations.

Example Output:

    "QueueUrls": [

Use Case 2: Display the URL of a specific queue


aws sqs get-queue-url --queue-name queue_name

Motivation: When you know the name of a specific queue, this use case helps you retrieve its URL. The URL is required for performing various operations on the queue, such as sending or receiving messages.


  • queue_name: The name of the queue.

Example Output:

    "QueueUrl": ""

Use Case 3: Create a queue with specific attributes from a file in JSON format


aws sqs create-queue --queue-name queue_name --attributes file://path/to/attributes_file.json

Motivation: This use case allows you to create a new queue with specific attributes defined in a JSON file. Attributes can include properties such as message retention period, visibility timeout, and maximum message size. It provides flexibility in customizing the queue settings according to your application’s requirements.


  • queue_name: The desired name for the queue.
  • file://path/to/attributes_file.json: The path to a JSON file containing the attributes.

Example Output:

    "QueueUrl": ""

Use Case 4: Send a specific message to a queue


aws sqs send-message --queue-url --message-body "message_body" --delay-seconds delay --message-attributes file://path/to/attributes_file.json

Motivation: This use case allows you to send a specific message to a queue. You can specify the message body, delay before the message becomes visible, and additional message attributes. It is useful when you need to send important information or instructions to a queue for further processing.


  • queue-url: The URL of the queue where the message should be sent.
  • message-body: The body/content of the message.
  • delay-seconds: The time in seconds to delay the visibility of the message.
  • file://path/to/attributes_file.json: The path to a JSON file containing additional message attributes.

Example Output: None. If successful, the message will be sent to the specified queue.

Use Case 5: Delete the specified message from a queue


aws sqs delete-message --queue-url https://queue_url --receipt-handle receipt_handle

Motivation: Once you have processed a message from a queue, this use case allows you to delete that specific message from the queue. It helps you maintain the cleanliness of the queue and avoid duplicate processing.


  • queue-url: The URL of the queue containing the message.
  • receipt-handle: The receipt handle of the message to be deleted.

Example Output: None. If successful, the message will be deleted from the specified queue.

Use Case 6: Delete a specific queue


aws sqs delete-queue --queue-url

Motivation: When a queue is no longer needed, this use case allows you to delete the specific queue. It helps in cleaning up resources and maintaining a clutter-free environment.


  • queue-url: The URL of the queue to be deleted.

Example Output: None. If successful, the specified queue will be deleted.

Use Case 7: Delete all messages from the specified queue


aws sqs purge-queue --queue-url

Motivation: In some scenarios, you may need to remove all messages from a queue. This use case provides a simple way to purge all messages from the specified queue. It is helpful when you want to start afresh without the need to delete and recreate the entire queue.


  • queue-url: The URL of the queue to be purged.

Example Output: None. If successful, all messages from the specified queue will be deleted.

Use Case 8: Enable a specific AWS account to send messages to a queue


aws sqs add-permission --queue-url --label permission_name --aws-account-ids account_id --actions SendMessage

Motivation: This use case allows you to grant permission to a specific AWS account for sending messages to a queue. It is helpful when you want to control access to the queue and only allow trusted accounts or applications to send messages.


  • queue-url: The URL of the queue for which the permission is to be added.
  • permission-name: A label to provide a unique name for the permission entry.
  • account_id: The AWS account ID of the account to be granted permission.
  • actions: The actions to be granted. In this case, we are granting permission to send messages.

Example Output: None. If successful, the specified AWS account will be granted permission to send messages to the queue.


In this article, we explored 8 essential use cases of the aws sqs command, covering various operations such as listing queues, sending and deleting messages, creating and deleting queues, and managing permissions. By understanding and utilizing these commands, you can effectively work with the AWS SQS service to build reliable and scalable messaging systems.

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