Mastering AWS SQS Commands (with examples)

Mastering AWS SQS Commands (with examples)

AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fully managed message queuing service that allows you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications. It enables seamless message integration within applications by providing buffered, queued, and reliabilities for message-driven architectures. Command-line interaction with AWS SQS can streamline queue management tasks, making automation and remote administration efficient and accessible. This article explores a range of use cases for AWS SQS command-line operations, complete with examples to guide you in practical implementations.

Use case 1: Listing All Available Queues


aws sqs list-queues

Motivation: Listing all available SQS queues is helpful when you manage multiple queues and need to ascertain which queues are active in your AWS environment. This command provides a quick overview, aiding in administration and troubleshooting tasks.

Explanation: The list-queues command retrieves the URLs of all SQS queues associated with your AWS account in the region that you’ve configured in the AWS CLI. It doesn’t require any additional arguments, making it straightforward to use.

Example output:

    "QueueUrls": [

Use case 2: Displaying the URL of a Specific Queue


aws sqs get-queue-url --queue-name myQueue

Motivation: Knowing the URL of a specific queue is essential when performing operations that require precise queue identification, such as sending messages or altering attributes.


  • get-queue-url is the operation being performed.
  • --queue-name specifies the name of the queue for which you want to retrieve the URL. Replace myQueue with the actual queue name.

Example output:

    "QueueUrl": ""

Use case 3: Creating a Queue with Specific Attributes from a JSON File


aws sqs create-queue --queue-name myNewQueue --attributes file://path/to/attributes_file.json

Motivation: When creating a new queue with specific configurations, using a JSON file allows you to define and reuse complex attribute sets, ensuring consistent configuration across multiple environments while saving time.


  • create-queue is the operation to create a new queue.
  • --queue-name specifies the name of the new queue.
  • --attributes allows for specifying additional attributes for the queue. Using file://path/to/attributes_file.json, you point to a JSON file containing key-value pairs of attributes.

Example output:

    "QueueUrl": ""

Use case 4: Sending a Specific Message to a Queue


aws sqs send-message --queue-url --message-body "Hello, World" --delay-seconds 10 --message-attributes file://path/to/attributes_file.json

Motivation: Sending messages with attribute specifications and delays is crucial for controlling message flows in distributed systems. Delaying messages can be part of a strategy to manage asynchronous processing effectively.


  • send-message is the operation to send a new message.
  • --queue-url designates the specific queue to which the message is sent.
  • --message-body is the content of the message.
  • --delay-seconds delays the message delivery.
  • --message-attributes provides additional metadata for the message, sourced from a JSON file.

Example output:

    "MD5OfMessageBody": "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3",
    "MessageId": "e5a5eb01-2db2-4899-acad-69aa2c7f23f2"

Use case 5: Deleting the Specified Message from a Queue


aws sqs delete-message --queue-url --receipt-handle myReceiptHandle

Motivation: Deleting messages from a queue after they have been processed ensures that they do not get reprocessed, maintaining data accuracy and efficiency in queue management.


  • delete-message is the operation to remove a specific message.
  • --queue-url identifies the queue from which the message will be deleted.
  • --receipt-handle is the unique identifier of the message to be deleted, obtained when the message is received.

Example output:

The command does not return a JSON output for successful execution.

Use case 6: Deleting a Specific Queue


aws sqs delete-queue --queue-url

Motivation: Deleting a queue when it is no longer needed helps optimize resource management and avoid unnecessary costs associated with maintaining idle queues.


  • delete-queue is the operation to remove the specified queue.
  • --queue-url specifies the URL of the queue to be deleted.

Example output:

The command does not return a JSON output for successful execution.

Use case 7: Purging All Messages from the Specified Queue


aws sqs purge-queue --queue-url

Motivation: Purging a queue is useful when you want to remove outdated or irrelevant messages without deleting the queue itself, enabling you to quickly reset the queue’s state.


  • purge-queue is the operation to remove all messages.
  • --queue-url defines the specific queue to purge.

Example output:

The command does not return a JSON output for successful execution.

Use case 8: Enabling a Specific AWS Account to Send Messages to a Queue


aws sqs add-permission --queue-url --label SendMessagePermission --aws-account-ids 987654321098 --actions SendMessage

Motivation: Granting permission to another AWS account to send messages can facilitate cross-account communication and collaboration through SQS, broadening integration possibilities.


  • add-permission command allows modifications to a queue’s policy.
  • --queue-url identifies the target queue.
  • --label provides a unique name for permission identification.
  • --aws-account-ids specifies the account granted the permission.
  • --actions determines the permissions granted, such as SendMessage.

Example output:

The command does not return a JSON output for successful execution.


AWS SQS commands via the AWS CLI provide powerful capabilities to manage message queues effectively. The examples provided in this article illustrate various key operations that are essential for building and maintaining robust message-driven architectures. By mastering these commands, you can enhance automation, improve system interactions, and maintain efficient resource management within your AWS environments.

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