aws-vault (with examples)

aws-vault (with examples)


In development environments, securely storing and accessing AWS credentials is a critical requirement. The aws-vault command-line tool provides a solution for securely managing AWS credentials and easily executing commands with the appropriate credentials. This article will demonstrate various use cases for the aws-vault command, along with relevant code examples, motivations, explanations, and example outputs.

Use Case 1: Add credentials to the secure keystore

The add command allows users to add AWS credentials to the secure keystore.


aws-vault add profile


Adding credentials to the secure keystore ensures that sensitive AWS access and secret keys are not stored in plaintext files. By encrypting and securely storing the credentials, users can mitigate the risk of unauthorized access to their account.


  • add: Specifies the add command to add credentials to the secure keystore.
  • profile: Represents the name of the AWS profile to be added to the keystore.

Example Output:

The command will prompt users to enter the AWS access key ID and secret access key. Once entered, the credentials will be securely stored in the keystore.

Use Case 2: Execute a command with AWS credentials in the environment

The exec command enables users to execute a command with specified AWS credentials in the environment.


aws-vault exec profile -- aws s3 ls


Executing a command with AWS credentials in the environment eliminates the need to explicitly specify credentials in each command. This simplifies command execution and improves security by ensuring that the appropriate credentials are automatically used for each AWS command.


  • exec: Indicates the exec command for executing a command with AWS credentials in the environment.
  • profile: Specifies the AWS profile containing the desired credentials.
  • --: Separates the aws-vault command from the subsequent AWS command (aws s3 ls in this example).
  • aws s3 ls: Represents an example AWS command to list objects in an S3 bucket.

Example Output:

The command will execute the specified AWS command (aws s3 ls) with the credentials from the profile AWS profile. The output will be a list of objects in the specified S3 bucket.

Use Case 3: Open a browser window and login to the AWS Console

The login command allows users to open a browser window and securely log in to the AWS Console using saved AWS credentials.


aws-vault login profile


Logging in to the AWS Console, especially with MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) enabled, can be time-consuming and inconvenient. The login command simplifies the login process by automatically opening a browser window and logging in with the appropriate AWS credentials.


  • login: Specifies the login command to open a browser window and login to the AWS Console.
  • profile: Represents the AWS profile associated with the desired AWS account.

Example Output:

The command will open a browser window with the AWS Console login page. Users can then provide their AWS account credentials and complete the login process.

Use Case 4: List profiles, along with their credentials and sessions

The list command retrieves a list of profiles from the secure keystore, along with their associated credentials and active sessions.


aws-vault list


Listing profiles along with their credentials and active sessions provides users with an overview of the stored credentials and active sessions. This information allows users to manage their profiles effectively, ensuring secure and efficient access to AWS resources.


  • list: Indicates the list command to retrieve a list of profiles.

Example Output:

The command will retrieve a list of profiles from the secure keystore, along with their associated credentials and active sessions. The output will include the profile names, access key IDs, and session information if any sessions are active.

Use Case 5: Rotate AWS credentials

The rotate command allows users to rotate AWS credentials stored in the secure keystore.


aws-vault rotate profile


Rotating AWS credentials is a security best practice to safeguard against credential compromise. The rotate command streamlines the process by automatically updating the stored credentials, ensuring that the most recent access keys are being used.


  • rotate: Specifies the rotate command to rotate AWS credentials.
  • profile: Represents the AWS profile containing the credentials to be rotated.

Example Output:

The command will prompt users to enter new AWS access keys to rotate the credentials associated with the specified profile. Once entered, the secure keystore will be updated with the new access keys.

Use Case 6: Remove credentials from the secure keystore

The remove command enables users to remove AWS credentials from the secure keystore.


aws-vault remove profile


Removing credentials from the secure keystore ensures that obsolete or compromised credentials are not accessible. This helps maintain the security of AWS resources and reduces the risk of unauthorized access.


  • remove: Indicates the remove command to remove AWS credentials from the secure keystore.
  • profile: Represents the AWS profile containing the credentials to be removed.

Example Output:

The command will remove the specified profile and its associated credentials from the secure keystore. Once removed, the credentials will no longer be accessible through aws-vault.


The aws-vault command-line tool provides a secure and convenient solution for managing AWS credentials in development environments. By adding, executing, logging in, listing, rotating, and removing credentials, developers can effectively secure their AWS access and streamline their AWS operations.

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