How to use the command 'az disk' (with examples)

How to use the command 'az disk' (with examples)

The az disk command is an integral part of Azure’s command-line interface, designed to manage Azure Managed Disks. Azure Managed Disks are high-performance, durable block storage resources, which can be easily scaled and managed without the need for manual effort. The az disk command allows users to perform various operations such as creating, listing, deleting, and updating disks, as well as granting access for data export. This command is essential for developers and IT professionals who need efficient disk management in the Azure cloud environment.

Use case 1: Create a managed disk


az disk create --resource-group resource_group --name disk_name --size-gb size_in_gb


Creating a managed disk is often the first step in setting up storage for applications or virtual machines on Azure. Managed disks provide a range of benefits like scalability, high availability, and automated backups. This action is essential when you need additional storage capacity to support your cloud-based applications or when setting up a new environment that requires customized storage solutions.


  • --resource-group resource_group: The --resource-group argument specifies the group that manages all your resources, which allows for better organization and categorization of services. The placeholder resource_group should be replaced with the name of your specific Azure resource group.
  • --name disk_name: This argument sets the name of your managed disk, which serves as an identifier. You should replace disk_name with your desired disk name.
  • --size-gb size_in_gb: This argument defines the size of the disk in gigabytes. The exact size can be determined based on your application’s storage requirements, with size_in_gb being the placeholder for the actual size value.

Example output:

  "creationData": {
    "createOption": "Empty"
  "diskSizeGb": "size_in_gb",
  "name": "disk_name",
  "resourceGroup": "resource_group"

Use case 2: List managed disks in a resource group


az disk list --resource-group resource_group


Listing all managed disks within a resource group provides visibility into your current storage assets. This is crucial for inventory management, usage auditing, and operational monitoring. Whether you are managing a small number of disks or overseeing a large-scale deployment, knowing what storage assets you have helps with optimizing costs, managing resources efficiently, and planning future growth.


  • --resource-group resource_group: This argument specifies which resource group you want to list the disks from. Replace resource_group with your chosen group name to view the relevant disks.

Example output:

    "id": "/subscriptions/.../resourceGroups/resource_group/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/disk1_name",
    "name": "disk1_name",
    "resourceGroup": "resource_group"
    "id": "/subscriptions/.../resourceGroups/resource_group/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/disk2_name",
    "name": "disk2_name",
    "resourceGroup": "resource_group"

Use case 3: Delete a managed disk


az disk delete --resource-group resource_group --name disk_name


Deleting a managed disk may be necessary when the disk is no longer required, or if you need to free up resources and reduce costs. Unused disks can incur unwanted charges, so efficiently managing and deleting them can lead to cost savings and improved organization of your Azure infrastructure.


  • --resource-group resource_group: Identifies the resource group containing the disk you wish to delete. Substitute resource_group with the name of the relevant resource group.
  • --name disk_name: Specifies the name of the disk to delete. Replace disk_name with the name of the targeted disk.

Example output:

Disk 'disk_name' in resource group 'resource_group' has been deleted successfully.

Use case 4: Grant read or write access to a managed disk (for export)


az disk grant-access --resource-group resource_group --name disk_name --access-level Read|Write --duration-in-seconds seconds


Granting access to a managed disk is necessary when exporting data, sharing disk content, or allowing external services to interact with the disk. This feature facilitates data migration, reporting, and cooperative workflows involving third-party processes. Granting temporary access ensures security while providing flexible data handling.


  • --resource-group resource_group: Defines which resource group the disk is under. Use resource_group to specify the relevant Azure resource group.
  • --name disk_name: Denotes the specific disk to which access will be granted. Replace disk_name with your disk’s name.
  • --access-level Read|Write: Indicates the type of access being granted. Choose between Read for read-only access or Write for write access based on the operation’s necessity.
  • --duration-in-seconds seconds: Specifies the duration of the granted access. The seconds placeholder should be replaced with the desired time frame in seconds.

Example output:

  "accessSas": "https://<storage-account><container>/<blob>?st=...",
  "fileSize": 1024

Use case 5: Update disk size


az disk update --resource-group resource_group --name disk_name --size-gb new_size_in_gb


Updating the disk size is crucial when an application exceeds its current storage limitations, requiring additional capacity. It ensures the application continues to function without downtime or performance degradation. This operation allows organizations to adapt to growing data demands and optimize their storage infrastructure efficiently.


  • --resource-group resource_group: The resource group containing the disk to update. Insert resource_group to specify the group.
  • --name disk_name: The name of the disk whose size needs updating. Use disk_name to identify the specific disk.
  • --size-gb new_size_in_gb: The intended new size of the disk in gigabytes. Replace new_size_in_gb with the new desired size.

Example output:

  "creationData": {
    "createOption": "Empty"
  "diskSizeGb": "new_size_in_gb",
  "name": "disk_name",
  "resourceGroup": "resource_group"


The az disk command provides comprehensive tools for managing Azure Managed Disks. Understanding how to create, list, delete, and modify disks allows you to manage your server infrastructure effectively, ensuring optimized performance and cost-effective resource usage. By leveraging these commands, you can tailor Azure storage solutions to the needs of your organization or project, making Azure Managed Disks a flexible and powerful part of your cloud infrastructure toolkit.

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