How to Use the Command b2-tools (with Examples)

How to Use the Command b2-tools (with Examples)

Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage offers a convenient and cost-effective solution for data storage in the cloud. The b2-tools command-line utility allows users to interact seamlessly with Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage, facilitating various operations such as authorization, bucket management, file uploads, syncing, and more. These command-line tools help automate storage tasks, streamline workflows, and offer a robust interface for managing data in the cloud. Below, we explore several use cases for b2-tools, illustrating the commands and the array of operations they enable.

Use Case 1: Access Your Account


b2 authorize_account key_id

The first step to leveraging the power of Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage is to authorize access to your account. This command is crucial because it facilitates secure communication between your machine and the Backblaze cloud environment. Authorization ensures that only permitted users can manage storage resources and access sensitive data stored in their B2 account.


  • b2: This is the command-line tool for interacting with Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage.
  • authorize_account: This sub-command is used to initiate the authorization process for accessing your account.
  • key_id: This argument serves as your access key identifier, allowing you to authenticate your account securely.

Example Output:
Upon successful execution, you might see an authorization success message confirming your connection to the Backblaze account. Additionally, if there’s an error due to an incorrect key, you’ll receive an appropriate error message indicating authentication failure.

Use Case 2: List Existing Buckets in Your Account


b2 list_buckets

Listing existing buckets is essential for users to get an overview of their storage assets. It helps in understanding the current state of your storage organization, assessing the available storage buckets, and planning further data operations like uploads or backups accordingly.


  • b2: The command-line utility being used.
  • list_buckets: This sub-command fetches and displays a list of all the buckets created in your B2 account.

Example Output:
The output will display the names, IDs, and types (public or private) of all the buckets in your account. It might look something like:

Bucket Name   Bucket ID   Bucket Type
-------------- ----------- -------------
MyBucket1     abc123      allPublic
MyBucket2     def456      allPrivate

Use Case 3: Create a Bucket


b2 create_bucket bucket_name allPublic|allPrivate

Creating a new bucket is a foundational task in cloud storage management. A bucket serves as a container for storing objects (files), enabling users to organize data, manage access permissions, and initiate storage activities. Whether you are setting up an environment for backups, asset storage, or application hosting, creating buckets is the initial step.


  • b2: Refers to the Backblaze command suite.
  • create_bucket: The command used to initiate the creation of a new storage bucket.
  • bucket_name: The desired name for your new bucket.
  • allPublic|allPrivate: This argument sets the access permissions for the bucket. allPublic allows public access, whereas allPrivate restricts access to authenticated users.

Example Output:
You’ll receive a confirmation message detailing the successful creation of the bucket along with its unique ID. If the bucket name is already taken, you’ll get a notification to choose a different name:

Bucket 'MyNewBucket' created with ID: ghi789, Access: allPublic

Use Case 4: Upload a File


b2 upload_file bucket_name path/to/file folder_name

Uploading files is one of the primary functions provided by cloud storage. It allows you to store data securely offsite, ensuring redundancy and availability. By uploading files to a bucket, users can facilitate data sharing, make their applications operational, or back up critical information.


  • b2: The tool used for cloud storage operations.
  • upload_file: The command to upload a specified file to a bucket.
  • bucket_name: The name of the bucket where the file will be uploaded.
  • path/to/file: The local file path pointing to the file you wish to upload.
  • folder_name: The directory within the bucket where the file will reside. It helps in organizing files within a bucket.

Example Output:
Upon executing the command, a progress indicator might show the upload process, followed by a completion confirmation once the upload is done:

File 'example.txt' uploaded successfully to bucket 'MyBucket', folder 'docs'.

Use Case 5: Synchronize a Source Directory to a B2 Bucket


b2 sync path/to/source_file bucket_name

Synchronizing a directory enables efficient data management and ensures that the latest version of your files is stored in the cloud. It’s particularly useful for backups, continuous file operations, or when multiple systems need to synchronize their storage state.


  • b2: The Backblaze tool being run.
  • sync: This command takes a local source directory and synchronizes it with a specified B2 bucket.
  • path/to/source_file: The local directory path that will be synchronized to the cloud.
  • bucket_name: The destination bucket in Backblaze B2 where the files will be synced.

Example Output:
During execution, you may see a listing of files, directories being processed, and a synchronization summary indicating the number of files added, updated, or deleted:

Synchronizing directory '/path/to/source_file' with bucket 'MySyncBucket'
Files added: 3, Files updated: 0, Files deleted: 0

Use Case 6: Copy a File from One Bucket to Another


b2 copy-file-by-id path/to/source_file_id destination_bucket_name path/to/b2_file

Copying files between buckets is a vital operation for data organization, redundancy, or transitioning data to different permission states. It assists in organizing data better, transitioning workflows, or creating backups in multiple locations.


  • b2: The command tool in use.
  • copy-file-by-id: This command takes a file from one bucket identified by its ID and copies it to another bucket.
  • path/to/source_file_id: The unique identifier of the file to be copied.
  • destination_bucket_name: The bucket to which the file will be copied.
  • path/to/b2_file: The path or name the file will assume in the destination bucket.

Example Output:
You’ll see a confirmation indicating that the file copy was successful, along with identifiers for tracking:

File copy operation successful: Source ID 'file123456', Destination 'MyTargetBucket/file_copied.txt'

Use Case 7: Show the Files in Your Bucket


b2 ls bucket_name

Listing files in a bucket provides visibility into the contents, assists in data audits, file validation, or simply provides users with clarity regarding the data they have stored.


  • b2: The command-line utility employed.
  • ls: Short for ’list,’ this command displays files within a specified bucket.
  • bucket_name: The name of the bucket whose contents are to be listed.

Example Output:
The output will display all the files in the bucket, with paths, sizes, and modification dates, providing a comprehensive view:

Listing files in bucket 'MyBucket':
2023-01-01 12:00:00   1024   /myfolder/file1.txt
2023-01-02 14:30:00   2048   /images/photo.png

Use Case 8: Remove a Folder or Files Matching a Pattern


b2 rm path/to/folder|pattern

Deleting files or folders is key for resource management, cost control, and ensuring compliance with storage policies. It helps to clean up unwanted data, make space for new data, and maintain a tidy storage environment.


  • b2: The command tool in use.
  • rm: The remove command for deleting files or folders.
  • path/to/folder|pattern: Specifies either a folder path for removal or a pattern to match files targeted for deletion.

Example Output:
Execution results in confirmation of deletion activity, reporting on what files or folders were removed:

Successfully deleted files matching pattern '/temp/*' in bucket 'MyBucket'


Using the b2-tools command-line suite provides a powerful mechanism for managing Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage resources. With capabilities ranging from account management, data synchronization, and storage organization, to detailed listing and removal operations, these tools significantly enhance control over cloud-stored data. Whether you are a developer, IT administrator, or cloud engineer, understanding and utilizing these commands can streamline operations and maximize the efficiency of cloud storage management.

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