How to use the command 'babel' (with examples)

How to use the command 'babel' (with examples)

Babel is a transpiler that converts code from JavaScript ES6/ES7 syntax to ES5 syntax. It helps developers write modern JavaScript code while maintaining compatibility with older browsers that do not support the latest features of the language. This article will provide examples of various use cases of the Babel command.

Use case 1: Transpile a specified input file and output to stdout


babel path/to/file


  • You have an ES6/ES7 JavaScript file that you want to transpile and see the output immediately.


  • babel is the Babel command.
  • path/to/file is the path to the input file that you want to transpile.

Example Output:

  • If the input file contains ES6/ES7 code, it will be transpiled to ES5 syntax and printed to the console.

Use case 2: Transpile a specified input file and output to a specific file


babel path/to/input_file --out-file path/to/output_file


  • You want to convert an ES6/ES7 JavaScript file to ES5 and save the transpiled output in a specific file.


  • babel is the Babel command.
  • path/to/input_file is the path to the input file that you want to transpile.
  • --out-file is an option flag followed by the path to the desired output file.

Example Output:

  • The input file will be transpiled, and the output will be saved in the specified output file.

Use case 3: Transpile the input file every time it is changed


babel path/to/input_file --watch


  • You are actively working on an ES6/ES7 JavaScript file, and you want to automatically transpile it every time it is modified.


  • babel is the Babel command.
  • path/to/input_file is the path to the input file that you want to transpile.
  • --watch is an option flag that watches for file changes and triggers transpilation.

Example Output:

  • Babel will start watching the input file for changes. Whenever the file is modified, Babel will automatically transpile it to ES5.

Use case 4: Transpile a whole directory of files


babel path/to/input_directory


  • You have multiple ES6/ES7 JavaScript files in a directory, and you want to transpile all of them at once.


  • babel is the Babel command.
  • path/to/input_directory is the path to the directory containing the input files.

Example Output:

  • Babel will transpile each file in the input directory individually, creating a corresponding transpiled file for each in the same directory.

Use case 5: Ignore specified comma-separated files in a directory


babel path/to/input_directory --ignore ignored_files


  • You have a directory with multiple JavaScript files, but you want to exclude specific files from being transpiled.


  • babel is the Babel command.
  • path/to/input_directory is the path to the directory containing the input files.
  • --ignore is an option flag followed by the comma-separated names of the files that you want to exclude.

Example Output:

  • Babel will transpile all the files in the input directory except for the ones specified in the --ignore flag.

Use case 6: Transpile and output as minified JavaScript


babel path/to/input_file --minified


  • You want to transpile an ES6/ES7 JavaScript file to ES5 and minimize the output by removing unnecessary whitespace and comments.


  • babel is the Babel command.
  • path/to/input_file is the path to the input file that you want to transpile.
  • --minified is an option flag that enables minification of the output.

Example Output:

  • The input file will be transpiled to ES5 and saved as minified JavaScript, with unnecessary whitespace and comments removed.

Use case 7: Choose a set of presets for output formatting


babel path/to/input_file --presets presets


  • You want to customize the output formatting by selecting a specific set of Babel presets.


  • babel is the Babel command.
  • path/to/input_file is the path to the input file that you want to transpile.
  • --presets is an option flag followed by the name(s) of the presets you want to use for output formatting.

Example Output:

  • The input file will be transpiled to ES5 using the specified preset(s) for output formatting.

Use case 8: Output all available options


babel --help


  • You want to see a list of all available options and flags for the Babel command.


  • babel is the Babel command.
  • --help is an option flag that displays information about the available options and flags.

Example Output:

  • Babel will display comprehensive information about the available options and flags, along with their descriptions.


Babel is a powerful transpiler that simplifies the process of converting ES6/ES7 JavaScript code to ES5 syntax. By using the various use cases of the babel command outlined in this article, you can easily transpile individual files, entire directories, or even ignore specific files. Additionally, Babel provides options for minifying the output, selecting preset formatting configurations, and exploring all available command options through the --help flag. With Babel, developers can write modern JavaScript code without worrying about compatibility issues with older browsers.

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