How to use the command "basenc" (with examples)

How to use the command "basenc" (with examples)


basenc --base64 path/to/file


Encoding a file with base64 encoding is a common use case when transmitting data over the internet or storing binary data in a text-based format. Base64 encoding converts binary data into a format that consists only of ASCII characters, making it easier to handle and transmit.


  • --base64: Specifies that we want to use base64 encoding.
  • path/to/file: Specifies the path to the file that we want to encode.

Example Output:

The command will encode the content of the file at path/to/file using base64 encoding and print the encoded result to the standard output. For example, if the file contains the string “Hello, world!”, the output would be SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==.

Decoding a file with base64 encoding


basenc --decode --base64 path/to/file


Decoding a file with base64 encoding is useful when we receive base64 encoded data and need to restore the original binary data. This can be necessary when working with APIs that provide data in base64 encoded format.


  • --decode: Specifies that we want to decode the input.
  • --base64: Specifies that the input is base64 encoded.
  • path/to/file: Specifies the path to the file that we want to decode.

Example Output:

The command will decode the content of the file at path/to/file, assuming it is base64 encoded, and print the decoded binary data to the standard output. For example, if the file contains the base64 encoded string SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==, the output would be the original string “Hello, world!”.

Encoding from stdin with base32 encoding (with 42 columns)


command | basenc --base32 -w42


Encoding data from stdin with base32 encoding can be useful when working with systems or protocols that require data to be in base32 format. The -w option allows us to specify the width (number of characters per line) of the output, making it easier to read and work with.


  • command: Represents any command that produces output that we want to encode.
  • --base32: Specifies that we want to use base32 encoding.
  • -w42: Specifies the width of the output to be 42 characters per line.

Example Output:

The command will read the output of command, encode it using base32 encoding, and print the encoded result to the standard output. The output will be formatted with 42 characters per line. For example, if the output of command is the string “Hello, world!”, the output would be:


Encoding from stdin with base32 encoding


command | basenc --base32


Encoding data from stdin with base32 encoding can be useful in scenarios where we need to transmit or store binary data in a text-based format. Base32 encoding converts binary data into a format that consists only of alphanumeric characters, making it easier to handle and transmit.


  • command: Represents any command that produces output that we want to encode.
  • --base32: Specifies that we want to use base32 encoding.

Example Output:

The command will read the output of command, encode it using base32 encoding, and print the encoded result to the standard output. For example, if the output of command is the string “Hello, world!”, the output would be:



The basenc command is a versatile tool for encoding and decoding data using various encoding schemes such as base64 and base32. It allows us to encode files or data from stdin and supports options like specifying the output width. Understanding how to use these different options opens up possibilities for working with different encoding formats in various scenarios.

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