How to use the command "bash" (with examples)

How to use the command "bash" (with examples)

Code example:



Starting an interactive shell session allows the user to directly interact with the Bourne-Again SHell (bash) command-line interpreter. This is useful for executing multiple commands in a sequential manner, as well as for exploring and experimenting with the shell environment.


The bash command without any arguments starts an interactive shell session. This means that the user can directly type commands into the terminal and have them executed by the bash interpreter.

Example output:

$ bash
$ echo "This is a test"
This is a test

In the example output, the user is prompted with a new command line (indicated by $). They then enter the command echo "This is a test" and press Enter. The bash interpreter executes the command and prints the output (This is a test) on the next line.

9: Using command “bash –norc”

Code example:

bash --norc


Starting an interactive shell session without loading startup configs can be useful in situations where the user wants to test some commands or run a minimal shell environment without any custom configurations.


The bash --norc command starts an interactive shell session without loading the startup configuration files. By default, bash loads configuration files such as ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile, which can define various settings and aliases. Using --norc option prevents these configuration files from being loaded.

Example output:

$ bash --norc
$ echo $HOME

In the example output, the user starts an interactive bash shell without loading any startup configuration files. They then use the echo $HOME command to print the value of the HOME environment variable, which is set to /home/user in this case.

10: Using command “bash -c”

Code example:

bash -c "echo 'bash is executed'"


Using the bash -c command allows the user to execute specific commands without starting an interactive shell session. This is useful for running commands from a script or when executing a single command without the need for a persistent shell session.


The bash -c command allows the user to specify a command as a string argument, which will be executed by bash. This is useful when running single commands from a script or when executing a command without entering an interactive shell session.

Example output:

$ bash -c "echo 'bash is executed'"
bash is executed

In the example output, the user runs the command bash -c "echo 'bash is executed'". The bash interpreter executes the command within the double quotes (echo 'bash is executed') and prints the output (bash is executed) to the standard output.

11: Using command “bash path/to/”

Code example:

bash path/to/


The bash path/to/ command is used to execute a specific script file. This is useful when running a script that contains multiple commands or when the script file does not have the executable permission set.


The bash path/to/ command executes the specified script file using the bash interpreter. This allows the user to run scripts without the need for marking the file as executable or specifying the interpreter at the beginning of the script file (e.g., #!/bin/bash).

Example output:

Assume we have a script file named with the following contents:

echo "Hello, World!"

In the example output, the user runs the command bash from the same directory as the file. The bash interpreter executes the commands in the script file and prints the output (Hello, World!) to the standard output.

12: Using command “bash -x path/to/”

Code example:

bash -x path/to/


The bash -x command, when used to execute a script, prints each command before executing it. This is useful for debugging and understanding the flow of execution within the script.


The bash -x path/to/ command executes the specified script file and prints each command before executing it. This option is known as “xtrace” and can be helpful for troubleshooting or analyzing the behavior of a script by showing the sequence of commands being executed.

Example output:

Assume we have a script file named with the following contents:

echo "Hello,"
echo "World!"

In the example output, the user runs the command bash -x from the same directory as the file. The bash interpreter prints each command before executing it, as shown below:

+ echo 'Hello,'
+ echo 'World!'

The + sign in front of each line indicates that it is a command being executed.

13: Using command “bash -e path/to/”

Code example:

bash -e path/to/


The bash -e command, when used to execute a script, stops execution at the first error encountered. This is useful for ensuring that scripts terminate early if any critical errors occur.


The bash -e path/to/ command executes the specified script file with the -e option, which is also known as “errexit”. When a command within the script fails, the execution is immediately stopped, ensuring that any subsequent commands are not executed.

Example output:

Assume we have a script file named with the following contents:

echo "Hello,"
echo "World!"

In the example output, the user runs the command bash -e from the same directory as the file. The bash interpreter executes the script and encounters an undefined command (undefinedcommand). Since it is an error, the execution is halted immediately, and there is no output for the second echo command.

14: Using command “echo ‘’ | bash”

Code example:

echo "echo 'bash is executed'" | bash


The command echo '<commands>' | bash allows the user to execute specific commands by piping them into the bash interpreter. This is useful when the user wants to run a sequence of commands without the need for a script or an interactive shell session.


The echo '<commands>' command prints the specified commands as a string to the standard output. By piping this output to the bash command, the commands are fed to the bash interpreter for execution.

Example output:

$ echo "echo 'bash is executed'" | bash
bash is executed

In the example output, the echo "echo 'bash is executed'" command prints the specified command (echo 'bash is executed') as a string to the standard output. This output is then piped into the bash command, which executes the command and prints the output (bash is executed) to the standard output.

15: Using command “bash -r”

Code example:

bash -r


Starting a restricted shell session (bash -r) allows the user to impose additional restrictions on the execution environment. This is useful in situations where security is a concern or when there is a need to limit access to certain resources.


The bash -r command starts a restricted shell session, also known as a “rbash”. In this mode, various restrictions are applied, such as disabling the execution of certain commands, limiting access to the file system, and restricting changes to the environment variables.

Example output:

$ bash -r
$ echo "Hello, World!"
bash: echo: restricted shell built-in command

In the example output, the user starts a restricted shell session using the command bash -r. They then attempt to execute the command echo "Hello, World!". Due to the restrictions imposed by the restricted shell, the execution of the echo command is not allowed, and an error message is displayed instead.

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