How to use the command 'bcdboot' (with examples)

How to use the command 'bcdboot' (with examples)

The ‘bcdboot’ command is used to configure or repair boot files on a Windows system. It is often used to initialize the system partition and enable various options for boot configuration. This article provides examples of different use cases for the command.

Use case 1: Initialize the system partition by using BCD files from the source Windows folder


bcdboot C:\Windows

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to initialize the system partition on a Windows system and use the BCD files from the source Windows folder. It ensures that the necessary boot files are correctly configured.


  • bcdboot: The command itself.
  • C:\Windows: Specifies the source Windows folder to use for BCD files.

Example output: Successful initialization of the system partition using the BCD files from the source Windows folder.

Use case 2: Enable verbose mode


bcdboot C:\Windows /v

Motivation: Enabling verbose mode can be useful for troubleshooting boot-related issues. It provides more detailed information during the boot process, which can help identify and fix problems.


  • bcdboot: The command itself.
  • C:\Windows: Specifies the source Windows folder to use for BCD files.
  • /v: Enables verbose mode.

Example output: Boot files are copied to the system partition while displaying detailed information about the process.

Use case 3: Specify the volume letter of the system partition


bcdboot C:\Windows /s S:

Motivation: In some cases, you might want to specify a specific volume letter for the system partition. This can be helpful when dealing with multiple partitions or when you want to ensure the boot files are copied to a specific location.


  • bcdboot: The command itself.
  • C:\Windows: Specifies the source Windows folder to use for BCD files.
  • /s S:: Specifies the volume letter of the system partition.

Example output: Boot files are copied to the specified system partition with the specified volume letter.

Use case 4: Specify a locale


bcdboot C:\Windows /l en-us

Motivation: Specifying a locale allows you to customize the language and formatting settings for the boot environment. This is especially useful for multi-language setups or when using a non-default language.


  • bcdboot: The command itself.
  • C:\Windows: Specifies the source Windows folder to use for BCD files.
  • /l en-us: Specifies the locale, “en-us” in this case, which represents English (United States).

Example output: Boot files are copied to the system partition with the specified locale, ensuring the correct language settings for the boot environment.

Use case 5: Specify a firmware type while copying the boot files to a specified volume


bcdboot C:\Windows /s S: /f UEFI|BIOS|ALL

Motivation: This use case is relevant when you want to copy the boot files to a specified volume with a specific firmware type. It ensures that the boot configuration matches the firmware type, which is important for proper system initialization.


  • bcdboot: The command itself.
  • C:\Windows: Specifies the source Windows folder to use for BCD files.
  • /s S:: Specifies the volume letter of the system partition.
  • /f: Specifies the firmware type, which can be “UEFI”, “BIOS”, or “ALL”.

Example output: Boot files are copied to the specified system partition with the specified firmware type, ensuring compatibility between the boot configuration and the firmware.


The ‘bcdboot’ command is a powerful tool for configuring or repairing boot files on a Windows system. The provided use cases demonstrate how to initialize the system partition, enable verbose mode, specify the volume letter of the system partition, specify a locale, and choose a firmware type while copying the boot files. By understanding and utilizing these examples, you can effectively manage and troubleshoot boot-related issues on your Windows system.

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