How to use the command 'bcomps' (with examples)

How to use the command 'bcomps' (with examples)

The bcomps command is a utility from the Graphviz suite used to decompose graphs into biconnected components. In graph theory, a biconnected component (also known as a block) is a maximal subgraph such that the removal of any single vertex (and its incident edges) will not disconnect the subgraph. This concept is essential in understanding the resilience of a network, as it provides insights into the points of failure and robustness of a system represented by a graph. The bcomps command aids in visualizing these components and understanding their structure within the overall network graph.

Use case 1: Decompose one or more graphs into their biconnected components


bcomps path/to/input1.gv path/to/input2.gv ... > path/to/output.gv


Decomposing graphs into their biconnected components is crucial for analyzing the structural integrity and connectivity of networks. For instance, in communication networks, finding the biconnected components helps in identifying nodes that, if removed, would cause data flow disruptions. This can guide network design or troubleshooting efforts to enhance reliability.


  • bcomps: This is the command invoked to start the process of decomposing graphs into biconnected components.
  • path/to/input1.gv path/to/input2.gv ...: These are the input graph files. The files are expected to be in the Graphviz .gv format, containing descriptions of the graphs to be analyzed.
  • >: This is a shell redirection operator used to direct the output to a specific file.
  • path/to/output.gv: The file path where the decomposed graph will be saved. The output will contain the biconnected components extracted from the input graphs.

Example output:

The output.gv file will contain a graph with various biconnected components separated or labeled as different sub-graphs. Each sub-graph represents a biconnected component of the original graphs, aiding in visual analysis.

Use case 2: Print the number of blocks and cutvertices in one or more graphs


bcomps -v -s path/to/input1.gv path/to/input2.gv ...


Knowing the number of blocks (biconnected components) and cutvertices (articulation points) is vital for assessing the vulnerability of the network. A cutvertex is a single node that, if removed, increases the number of connected components of the graph. Understanding these details is crucial for creating robust and fault-tolerant systems.


  • bcomps: This command initiates the decomposition of the graphs.
  • -v: This flag enables verbose mode, providing detailed information about the process and results.
  • -s: This option triggers the calculation and display of the statistics, which includes the number of blocks and cutvertices.
  • path/to/input1.gv path/to/input2.gv ...: These paths specify the graph files to be processed.

Example output:

The command’s execution will result in printed statistics showing something like:

Graph 1: 10 blocks, 5 cutvertices
Graph 2: 8 blocks, 3 cutvertices

These results give a quick overview of the graph’s structural properties without creating an output file.

Use case 3: Write each block and block-cutvertex tree to multiple numbered filenames based on output.gv


bcomps -x -o path/to/output.gv path/to/input1.gv path/to/input2.gv ...


By breaking down the graphs into separate files for each biconnected component and block-cutvertex tree, this approach facilitates a more granular analysis and manipulation of individual subgraphs. It’s particularly beneficial when dealing with large or complex graphs where components need to be studied individually.


  • bcomps: The command responsible for processing the decomposition.
  • -x: This option indicates that the output should be written to multiple files, with each component stored separately.
  • -o path/to/output.gv: Specifies the base filename for the output files. The command will append numbers to this base to create distinct files for each component.
  • path/to/input1.gv path/to/input2.gv ...: Denotes the input graph files.

Example output:

The execution will result in the creation of multiple files such as output1.gv, output2.gv, etc. Each file contains a distinct biconnected component or a block-cutvertex tree derived from the input graphs, allowing for focused handling of each unit.

Use case 4: Display help


bcomps -?


Accessing the help documentation via the command line is essential for users who need quick guidance on command options and usage without referring to external resources. This is particularly helpful for newcomers or for refreshing seasoned users’ memory.


  • bcomps: This is the principal command being explored for graph decomposition.
  • -?: This flag invokes the help function, displaying information regarding the command’s usage and available options.

Example output:

The output provides a list of available options and a brief explanation for each, assisting users in understanding how to employ the command effectively.


Understanding and using the bcomps command is incredibly beneficial for analyzing graph structures in computational fields, such as computer networks, biology, or social network analysis. By exploring these use cases — from decomposing graphs to assessing connectivity vulnerabilities — users can leverage bcomps to enhance their analysis and design more robust systems.

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