How to use the command "bedtools" (with examples)

How to use the command "bedtools" (with examples)


In genomics research, analyzing and comparing genomic data is a fundamental task. bedtools is a powerful command-line tool that provides a wide range of functionalities for genomic analysis. This article will showcase various examples of using bedtools to perform common genomics tasks.

1. Intersect two files regarding the sequences’ strand

To intersect two files based on the sequences’ strand and save the result to a specified file, we can use the following command:

bedtools intersect -a path/to/file_1 -b path/to/file_2 -s > path/to/output_file

Motivation: We might be interested in finding overlaps between two genomic regions based on their strand. This command enables us to identify overlaps between file_1 and file_2, considering the sequences’ strand.


  • -a: Specifies the path to the first input file.
  • -b: Specifies the path to the second input file.
  • -s: Forces strandedness. Only features with the same strand will be considered as overlapping.

Example output:

chr1    100    200    gene1
chr1    300    400    gene2

2. Intersect two files with a left outer join

To perform a left outer join between file_1 and file_2, reporting each feature from file_1 and NULL if no overlap with file_2, we can use the following command:

bedtools intersect -a path/to/file_1 -b path/to/file_2 -lof > path/to/output_file

Motivation: Sometimes, we want to identify features in file_1 that do not have any overlap with file_2. This command allows us to perform a left outer join and obtain both overlapping and non-overlapping features.


  • -a: Specifies the path to the first input file.
  • -b: Specifies the path to the second input file.
  • -lof: Performs a left outer join, reporting each feature from file_1 and NULL if no overlap is found with file_2.

Example output:

chr1    100    200    gene1    chr2    300    400    geneA
chr1    300    400    gene2    .    .    .    .

3. Using a more efficient algorithm to intersect pre-sorted files

To improve performance when intersecting two pre-sorted files, we can use the -sorted option. The command will utilize an optimized algorithm for faster analysis:

bedtools intersect -a path/to/file_1 -b path/to/file_2 -sorted > path/to/output_file

Motivation: Intersecting large files can be time-consuming. By specifying that the input files are pre-sorted, bedtools can utilize a more efficient algorithm, significantly reducing the computation time.


  • -a: Specifies the path to the first input file.
  • -b: Specifies the path to the second input file.
  • -sorted: Informs bedtools that the input files are pre-sorted, allowing the usage of a more efficient algorithm.

Example output:

chr1    100    200    gene1
chr1    300    400    gene2
chr2    300    400    geneA

4. Grouping a file and summarizing a column

To group a file based on specific columns and summarize another column by summing it up, we can use the bedtools groupby command:

bedtools groupby -i path/to/file -c 1-3,5 -g 6 -o sum

Motivation: When working with genomic data, it is often necessary to aggregate data based on specific criteria. This command allows us to group the input file based on columns 1, 2, 3, and 5, and summarize column 6 by summing its values.


  • -i: Specifies the path to the input file.
  • -c: Indicates the columns to group. In this example, columns 1-3 and 5 are used for grouping.
  • -g: Specifies the column to summarize. Here, column 6 is summed up.
  • -o: Specifies the operation to apply to the summarized column. In this case, it is set to sum.

Example output:

chr1    100    200    gene1    foo    10
chr1    300    400    gene2    bar    15
chr1    100    200    gene3    foo    4

5. Converting a BAM file to a BED file

To convert a BAM-formatted file to a BED-formatted one, we can utilize the bamtobed command:

bedtools bamtobed -i path/to/file.bam > path/to/file.bed

Motivation: BAM files are commonly used to store genomic alignment data, but BED files are often more versatile for downstream analysis. This command allows us to convert a BAM file to a BED file, which can be easily processed with other tools.


  • -i: Specifies the path to the input BAM file.

Example output:

chr1    100    200    read1    30    +
chr1    300    400    read2    25    -

6. Finding the closest features between two BED files

To find the closest features between two BED files and write their distance in an extra column, we can use the bedtools closest command:

bedtools closest -a path/to/file_1.bed -b path/to/file_2.bed -d

Motivation: It is often useful to determine the closest genomic features between two sets of regions. This command enables us to find the closest features between file_1.bed and file_2.bed, providing the distance in an additional column.


  • -a: Specifies the path to the first input file.
  • -b: Specifies the path to the second input file.
  • -d: Specifies that the distance between the closest features should be reported.

Example output:

chr1    100    200    gene1    chr2    300    400    geneA    100
chr1    300    400    gene2    chr2    600    700    geneB    200


bedtools is a versatile tool for various genomic analysis tasks, providing an extensive range of functionalities. In this article, we showcased examples of its usage for intersecting, grouping, converting, and comparing genomic data. By mastering bedtools, researchers can efficiently analyze and manipulate genomic data, enhancing their understanding of biological processes.

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