How to use the command "bird" (with examples)

How to use the command "bird" (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The command “bird” is used for syncing iCloud and iCloud Drive. It is important to note that this command should not be invoked manually and is primarily used by the system for internal processes.

Use case 1: Start the daemon



Motivation: Starting the daemon is necessary to initiate the syncing process between iCloud and iCloud Drive. By running the “bird” command, you will activate the necessary background processes to keep your iCloud files in sync.

Explanation: The “bird” command does not require any arguments or options. By simply executing the command, it will start the daemon responsible for syncing iCloud and iCloud Drive.

Example output:

Syncing process initiated.


The “bird” command serves as a utility for syncing iCloud and iCloud Drive. While it should not be manually invoked, starting the daemon using the “bird” command is essential to ensure your files are synced between your devices.

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