How to use the command 'bitwise' (with examples)

How to use the command 'bitwise' (with examples)

The ‘bitwise’ command is a multi base interactive calculator that supports dynamic base conversion and bit manipulation. It allows users to perform various calculations involving different number bases, such as decimal and hexadecimal.

Use case 1: Run using interactive mode



Motivation: Running the ‘bitwise’ command without any arguments launches the interactive mode. This mode enables users to enter commands and perform calculations in real-time. It can be useful for quickly testing and experimenting with different base conversions and bit manipulations.

Explanation: The ‘bitwise’ command is entered without any arguments, and the interactive mode is launched. The user can then input various commands and see the results immediately.

Example Output:


Use case 2: Convert from decimal


bitwise 12345

Motivation: Converting a decimal number to other number bases, such as binary or hexadecimal, can be helpful in various computing tasks. The ‘bitwise’ command provides an easy way to convert decimal numbers without relying on external tools or programming languages.

Explanation: The ‘bitwise’ command is followed by the decimal number that needs to be converted. In this case, the decimal number is 12345. The command will display the converted value in various number bases, such as binary, octal, and hexadecimal.

Example Output:

Decimal: 12345
Binary: 11000000111001
Octal: 30071
Hexadecimal: 3039

Use case 3: Convert from hexadecimal


bitwise 0x563d

Motivation: Converting hexadecimal numbers to other bases can be essential, especially in low-level programming and hardware-related tasks. Being able to convert hexadecimal numbers easily using the ‘bitwise’ command eliminates the need for manual calculations or external tools.

Explanation: The ‘bitwise’ command is used to convert a hexadecimal number to other bases. In this case, the hexadecimal number to be converted is “0x563d”. The command will display the decimal, binary, and octal representations of the given hexadecimal number.

Example Output:

Hexadecimal: 0x563d
Decimal: 22077
Binary: 101011000111101
Octal: 52575

Use case 4: Convert a C-style calculation


bitwise "0x123 + 0x20 - 30 / 50"

Motivation: Converting and evaluating C-style calculations involving hexadecimal numbers can be cumbersome without the proper tools. The ‘bitwise’ command allows users to input C-style calculations directly and get the results in real-time, making it easier to validate or experiment with mathematical expressions.

Explanation: The ‘bitwise’ command is followed by a C-style calculation enclosed in double quotes. In this example, the calculation to be evaluated is “0x123 + 0x20 - 30 / 50”. The command will evaluate the mathematical expression, taking into account the hexadecimal numbers and operations provided.

Example Output:

Result: 290


In this article, we have explored different use cases of the ‘bitwise’ command. We have demonstrated how to run the command in interactive mode and provided examples of converting decimal and hexadecimal numbers. Additionally, we discussed how the command can be used to evaluate C-style calculations involving different number bases. The ‘bitwise’ command is a versatile tool for performing base conversions and bit manipulations, making it valuable in various computing tasks.

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